How do I duplicate a template?
I have a template.
I use the template on a number of pages.
I want to use the same template structure, but with slightly different template content on a number of other pages.
I don;t want to have to recreate the template from scratch.
So, I want to copy the template and modify the copy, but I can't find an obvious way of doing that.
Is it possible?
Hello Stuart ,
Duplicating a template is still not supported feature, but it is in our plans for the next releases. Currently the feature is not scheduled, because we decided to implement multilingual support for the templates.
If this is a custom mater page, you can get the static file from the file system and use it. Another option is creating another template based on your original one and using the backend UI.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Sometimes I wonder, I really do.
I can't use the existing template as a base if my stated aim is to change some of the items existing on the original in my copy 'cos you can't touch the items from the base template.
Is there a PITS item for template duplication, so I can go vote for it?
Hi Stuart,
I created a PITS item that you can follow/vote.
All the best,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
I've got good and informative respons here. thanks for sharing, i also have the same problems as you, Stuart :)
Sorry Naomi,
Are you saying you've found a way of doing it?