Blog Categories & Pagination
I have several blog categories that when clicked, show the blog posts that correspond to those categories just fine, however, every link within the pagination at the bottom of the page links back to the main blog pages. Perhaps I am overlooking something?
Can someone explain how pagination works when using blog categories?
Hi John,
We have tried to follow the provided directions but we could experience the described behaviour. Can you provide screenshots or give more details about your situation?
All the best,
Victor Velev
the Telerik team
I have set up an extremely crud example:
01 go to:
02 scroll to the bottom of the page, click on "Warbirds"
03 you are now in the blog category for "Warbirds"
04 scroll to the bottom of the page, click on pagination link (either one), they both link back to the main blog page.
Hi John,
Yes this can be achieved. Edit blogs widget click Advanced button(lower right) and change UrlEvaluationMode to “QueryString”. Then when you select page 2 and a category it will show you items on page 2 in this category going to page 1 will show items in page 1 for this category. When you go to page 4 and select the category no results will be returned because there aren`t 4 pages of items in the selected category.
Stanislav Velikov
the Telerik team
Here is an example of the problem in action:
I cannot find this UrlEvaluationMode you speak of.