Module Builder Field & Template

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 15:14

Module Builder Field & Template

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Posted by Community Admin on 27-Jan-2012 00:00

I am trying to get the value of a field into a custom module template (having used the new module builder to create it)

I have a choices field called BoothSize. I want that value to be the class of a line.

<li class='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "BoothSize") %>'>

But when I this, the html renders as: <li class="System.String[]">

How can I get the actual value?

Posted by Community Admin on 01-Feb-2012 00:00


Can you please try getting the value of the dynamic field in the temp[late code-behind. SInce the Dynamic modules metafields cannot be resolved on the fly with Eval syntax, it is normal for the expression to return the type of the field but not the actual selected value. However you can easily obtain it in the codebehind using our extension method GetValue, for example you can say MyDynamicModule.GetValue("BoothSize").

Boyan Barnev
the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 17-Apr-2012 00:00

Hi Boyan,

I am wanting to do exactly what she was talking about, but I need further clarification. In my codebehind, I am working within the dynamicContentListView_ItemDatabound event. How would I reference the .GetValue of my custom module. My module is called "Speakers". If I simply type Speakers.GetValue("FieldName") it doesn't resolve "Speakers" as an object. I've tried importing the Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules but that doesn't help either. Can you please spell this out clearer for me?


Posted by Community Admin on 17-Apr-2012 00:00

Hi Boyan,

I am wanting to do exactly what she was talking about, but I need further clarification. In my codebehind, I am working within the dynamicContentListView_ItemDatabound event. How would I reference the .GetValue of my custom module. My module is called "Speakers". If I simply type Speakers.GetValue("FieldName") it doesn't resolve "Speakers" as an object. I've tried importing the Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules but that doesn't help either. Can you please spell this out clearer for me?


Posted by Community Admin on 17-Apr-2012 00:00

Make sure you have a reference to Telerik.Sitefinity.Model .  So ..

using Telerik.Sitefinity.Model

Then you should be able to use the code examples provided with the custom module builder to get the values.

Posted by Community Admin on 17-Apr-2012 00:00

Hi Amanda,

I to have that reference. Can you give me a code example for what I'm looking for? I am unable to find anything. I too am wanting to assign a dynamic class to the widget's li rendering, just as you specified in your original post. Thanks! This is where I'm at code-wise so far:

Imports Telerik.Sitefinity.Model
Imports Telerik.OpenAccess
Imports Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules
Partial Class SfCtrlPresentation_OpenAccessDataProvider_1e7c45c2401c4de7b10b64fda20d92e2
    Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl
    Protected Sub dynamicContentListView_ItemDataBound(sender As Object, e As Telerik.Web.UI.RadListViewItemEventArgs) Handles dynamicContentListView.ItemDataBound
        If e.Item.ItemType = Telerik.Web.UI.RadListViewItemType.AlternatingItem Or e.Item.ItemType = Telerik.Web.UI.RadListViewItemType.DataItem Then
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

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