Module Builder - nested lists?
Here is what I am trying to accomplish.
I have a list of conference sessions. I created a custom module called "Sessions". I added in all the sessions, including all their dates.
I want a list that looks like this:
9:00 am Session 1
1:30 pm Session 2
9:00 am Session 3
3:00 pm Session 4
I can get the time and titles fine. it's the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday parts I'm unsure of. If I put three different controls each with a different category of session, when I click on the detail view it opens three times. So that didn't work.
Hello Amanda,
At the moment we don't offer Hierarchical modules, but we're looking forward to have this implemented soon. As a workaround you can use the Lists module. You can create a Lists with all days of the week and for each list create a session item. Then, you will be able to display both list and list items in a lists widget.
All the best,
Jen Peleva
the Telerik team
Thank you, Jen.
Hello Amanda,
I'm glad that you found a suitable workaround for your scenario.
Jen Peleva
the Telerik team