radTabStrip showing selected tab when on a child page
I am using the radTabStrip control with a sitefinity data sitemap to display tabs for second level navigation on my site. (very similar to the method described here. So lets say I have the tabs
Products | Services | Contact
I only want to display the pages at this level in the tabs. I am doing this by setting the MaxDataBindDepth="1" in the widget properties. The problem is, when I'm on a child page of 'Contact' the contact no longer shows as 'selected'. If I increase the MaxDataBindDepth I get the styling result I want, where the parent tab 'Contact' is selected but now I have the problem that it's creating and displaying a tab for the child page which I do not want.
My question is, is there an easy way with this control to only show one level, but still accurately display the parent tab as selected?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi Matt,
Thanks for using Sitefinity.
I suppose that goes by what you define as easy.
Here's one way to go about it, though:
The idea is to grab the page title, find the parent page and its title, and then set the value to a hidden field. Using client side programming we can set the "selected" appearance to the appropriate parent page.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var actualNode = SiteMapBase.GetActualCurrentNode();
while (actualNode.ParentNode != null && actualNode.ParentNode.Title != "Pages")
actualNode = actualNode.ParentNode as PageSiteNode;
hidden.Value = actualNode.Title;
TagMenu(targetClass, title)
elems = document.getElementsByClassName(targetClass);
(elems[i].innerHTML == title)
//Do styling on menu here.