Styling the Navigation Widget
I need to style the Navigation Widget according to my design. I went through this blog which gives me a fair idea of how to go about it. But I don't understand where to create the skin file and where to place it in my project explorer. Can someone help me with that.
Hey Prateek,
The styles you create for the navigation widget you generally put into the stylesheet of your theme. (
But if you want, you can just create a seperate css file and link to it using the stylesheet widget.
Hi Prateek,
If you have a theme registered in Sitefinity, which includes navigation skins, you can simply enter the name of your skin in the edit panel of the navigation (same as with the embedded skins) to make it work. The only thing you need to keep in mind is the way you declare the css properties in your stylesheet - they should be placed between the brackets of a rule, similar to this one:
.[name of control, used for this navigation type] _ [name of your custom skin] styles
That's actually the way our embedded skins are created, so you can use them as a model. Take a look at the forum post for more information.
Thanks a lot for the help!