Custom css layout style inside Rad Editor table properties
In Table Wizard: Table Properties: CSS Class Layout , there is a drop down with pre-defined styles. Is it possible to create your own custom styles that apply to tables, and how is this done?
Thank you,
Hello Aaron,
You can implement custom Table Layouts by creating a CSS file using the following pattern and point this file to the RadEditor's TableLayoutCssFile property:
/*Table class*/
/*Table Header classes*/
.myClassTable tr.myClassTableHeaderRow
.myClassTable td.myClassTableHeaderFirstCol
.myClassTable td.myClassTableHeaderLastCol
.myClassTable td.myClassTableHeaderOddCol
.myClassTable td.myClassTableHeaderEvenCol
/*Table Body classes*/
.myClassTable tr.myClassTableOddRow
.myClassTable tr.myClassTableEvenRow
.myClassTable td.myClassTableFirstCol
.myClassTable td.myClassTableLastCol
.myClassTable td.myClassTableOddCol
.myClassTable td.myClassTableEvenCol
/*Table Footer classes*/
.myClassTable tr.myClassTableFooterRow
.myClassTable td.myClassTableFooterFirstCol
.myClassTable td.myClassTableFooterLastCol
.myClassTable td.myClassTableFooterOddCol
.myClassTable td.myClassTableFooterEvenCol
That's all nice when I use the editor in a custom control (I then can edit the code of the editor). But is it possible to add a custom Table Layout in the editor that Sitefinity uses when editing content?
Hello David,
You can achieve this by mapping the control template for the HTML field control (which contains the RadEditor). You can find more information in this forum post: ViewMap SDK template examples.
The host type of the HTML field control is: Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.Fields.HtmlField.
Radoslav Georgiev
More about......CSS Styling Tables