SVG files in CSS not loading

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 19:28

SVG files in CSS not loading

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Posted by Community Admin on 06-Dec-2013 00:00

Has anyone tried using a SVG file inside their css? For some reason the mime type is getting set to text/html. 

I've updated web config for image/svg+xml

This is what is in the CSS:


If i direct link to the svg in a browser it works. So something on server side seems to be setting incorrect mime-type. I hope this isn't a bug in Sitefinity.


Posted by Community Admin on 11-Dec-2013 00:00


I am afraid that it is not possible to use the SVG file in CSS. The way I would advise to proceed with this is to include the xml directly on the page/template or using a content block and place the markup in the HTML window. Please take a look at the video we have recorded for your convenience.

Stefani Tacheva

Do you want to have your say in the Sitefinity development roadmap? Do you want to know when a feature you requested is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 11-Dec-2013 00:00

is there really no way to get this working from the server side?

the svgs are fairly complex so i don't want to make a massive css file.

what exactly is happening that the mime type is being converted to text/html?

Posted by Community Admin on 16-Dec-2013 00:00


Unfortunately, this is a limitation of Sitefinity and it is not possible to use them in a way different than the one described in the video demonstration.

Stefani Tacheva

Do you want to have your say in the Sitefinity development roadmap? Do you want to know when a feature you requested is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 29-Jan-2014 00:00

Hi kele

I had to reference an svg file in CSS too. You can use Data URIs to do so (making sure to use proper base64 coding for internet explorer):

background: url("") no-repeat 5px center;
I ran the svg through this encoder:


Posted by Community Admin on 30-Jan-2014 00:00

If you use visual studio you might also check into WebEssentials.  It has a base64 encode tool as well.  I have not tried it with SVG though.

Posted by Community Admin on 22-May-2014 00:00

What happens if you place the svg file in the root dir of your website and reference it there:


 I seem to recall this working for me but it has been a year or so since I messed with it (was Sitefinity 5.4 or 6).

Posted by Community Admin on 22-May-2014 00:00

Yes i think that likely will work. It seems you just can't put specific mime-types in the App_Data directories where App_Themes lives.

 We ended up just using a CDN so that worked for us. But we did move our webfonts outside of App_data and that worked for us. So i would assume that would work for the SVG's as well.

Posted by Community Admin on 20-Jun-2014 00:00

Sorry for arriving late to the party, but I found a workaround to this.

IIS7's URL Rewrite allows rewriting of outbound values as well as inbound...

                <rule name="SVG" preCondition="SVG PC" patternSyntax="Wildcard" stopProcessing="true">
                    <match serverVariable="RESPONSE_Content-Type" pattern="*" />
                    <action type="Rewrite" value="image/svg+xml" />
                    <preCondition name="SVG PC">
                        <add input="REQUEST_URI" pattern=".svg$" />

 ^^ this basically checks that a file has a filetype of .svg on the way in (request), and then rewrites the Content-Type header to to image/svg+xml on the way out (response)

Posted by Community Admin on 13-Jun-2017 00:00

Just stumbled upon this thread. It's June 2017 and we're still facing the very same problem/limitation with Sitefinity 10 (10.0.6400.1 to be exact).

This workaround works like a champ.

Thanks very much for sharing!

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