Feature Request: Add sort options
It would be really great to provide sort options when listing content created by the module builder, just like the Pages area has.
You could sort dynamic and content items by title and email in the grid. More information could be found in the following blog post:
If you want to filter dynamic content items in the grid by workflow status you need to follow the steps described in the blog post bellow:
Moreover you can filter dynamic content items by taxonomies in the back-end grid and in the frond-end following these blog posts:
Furthermore there is a feature request logged and you can track and vote for its status in PITS here.
Kind regards,
Stefani Tacheva
the Telerik team
Seems like a lot of work for simple sorting and searching by another field... I voted. (and will peruse the articles)
Thank you for voting. I hope that we will have these implementations out of the box with some of our next releases.
Stefani Tacheva
the Telerik team