create Look up field in product for select list of items (custom module create by module builder)
i want to add one Look up field in Product module so i can select items according to products.
i follow below steps.
1) Create a custom module for items
2) Create dynamic module selectors using Visual Studio.
3) Create new Product Type in E-Commarce
4) add Field short text in as custom type and add path of control
and Save.
when i try to add Product its give error :
The control of type
'ASP.usercontrols_--------------ascx' does not implement
IField interface. All fields must implement IField interface
Please help to resolve this issue..
Hi Girish,
I see that this issue is being handled by my colleague in the support ticket opened by your company. Please refer to that ticket for his detailed responses. Once the issue is resolved, if you wish, you can post it here for others to see.
Thank you.
Randy Hodge
the Telerik team