List Template not automatically created when creating a module
I created my first module using the module builder, but for some reason either the list template wasn't created at all or I can't find it. I created contents for the module and added it to a page, clicked edit to find the list template, but there is no list template to open. The only option available is to create a new template. Where did I go wrong?
Hello Tooba,
The described behavior is not the default one for Module builder. Please check the following video which I have recorded for demonstration.
As you can see from the video when a module is created there are templates created for list and details views. If you still experiencing this problem I would suggest to open a support ticket where you can provide us with a backend credentials and we will inspect the problem directly on your website.
How about the List template in MVC format? I.e. we built a module using Module Builder, but we can't find where to create a custom front end MVC view for it.
For us the created widgets appear under the Design->Widget Templates. You can then edit the MVC view from there by selecting the list or detail template that was created.