Cannot open a new site

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 16:14

Cannot open a new site

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 01-Sep-2010 00:00


I have installed SiteFinity 4.0 Beta. I have SQL Server Express 2008 R2 installed and IIS7 on Windows 7. I can successfully create a new site through the SiteFinity Project Manager but when I try to Go To Administration I get the following error after selecting SQLEXPRESS as the database. I have tried both SQLEXPRESS and <Computer Name>\SQLEXPRESS as the instance name.

I am able to connect to SQLEXPRESS using SQL Server Management Studio. I have uninstalled and reinstalled IIS, SSExpress and SiteFinity 4 Beta a number of times. Any other suggestions?

Server Error in '/TestWebsite1' Application.

Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: Telerik.OpenAccess.RT.sql.SQLException: Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[SQLException: Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.]
Telerik.OpenAccess.RT.Adonet2Generic.Impl.DBDriver.connect(ConnectionString connectionString, IDictionary driverProps) +1124 +1435

[OpenAccessException: Telerik.OpenAccess.RT.sql.SQLException: Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.]
Telerik.OpenAccess.RT.ExceptionWrapper.Throw() +13 str, Exception e) +105 +1719
Telerik.OpenAccess.RT.OpenAccessSchemaAdapter.CreateDatabase(Boolean checkOnly) +555
Telerik.OpenAccess.SchemaHandlerImpl.Telerik.OpenAccess.ISchemaHandler.CreateDatabase() +60
Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.UpgradeDatabase(Database db) +63
Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Metadata.OAMetadataLoader.Init(String connectionName, String connectionConfig, Assembly[] references, CultureInfo[] cultures) +977
Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.SetDynamicFields(String connName, XElement config, Assembly[] references, CultureInfo[] cultures, XNamespace xmlns) +832
Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.ParseConnectionString(String connectionStringName, String key, Assembly[] references, CultureInfo[] cultures) +3259
Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.EstablishConnection(String connName, String key, Assembly[] references, CultureInfo[] cultures) +23
Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.GetDatabase(String connectionStringName, Assembly[]& references, CultureInfo[] cultures, Boolean& requiresReset) +146
Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.InitializeProvider(IOpenAccessDataProvider provider, String connectionName) +121
Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.InitializeDatabase(DataProviderBase dataProvider, NameValueCollection config) +110
Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.Initialize(String providerName, NameValueCollection config, Type managerType) +22
Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.DataProviderBase.Initialize(String providerName, NameValueCollection config, Type managerType, Boolean initializeDecorator) +975
Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.DataProviderBase.Initialize(String providerName, NameValueCollection config, Type managerType) +18
Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.Backend.StartupWizard.CreateInstantProvider(String providerName, String connectionString, ConfigElementDictionary`2 providers) +795
Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.Backend.StartupWizard.GetRoleProvider() +116
Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.Backend.AdministratorPane.ValidateMembership() +29
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +32
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +3087

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.4927; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.4927

Posted by Community Admin on 02-Sep-2010 00:00

Hi Stewart Collis,

Can you please try removing the folders:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Data\SQLEXPRESS
C:\Documents and Settings\<machine name>\ASPNET\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Data

You can also try to connect to your MS SQL Server in order to create a database there. The MS SQLExpress option uses an .mdf type database located in ~/App_Data folder of the website. You can follow the steps from the attached video. I also have installed the latest version of MS SQL Server Express.

Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team

Check out Telerik Trainer, the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.

Posted by Community Admin on 02-Sep-2010 00:00

Thanks Radoslav,

That solution did get me to the next error:
"Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed."

Which was resolved by IIS Manager > ApplicationPools > DefaultAppPool > Load User Profile = True

Which got me to an error concerning named pipes which was resolved by SQL Configuration Manager > SQL Server Network Configuration > Protocols for SQLEXPRESS > Enable Named Pipes.

Working now.



Posted by Community Admin on 21-Jun-2012 00:00

1. Open the SQL Server Management Studio Express. This is the downloadable program in the same site where you downloaded the SQL Server 2008\2005 express used to manage SQL Server 2008\2005 Express. In the query editor type this text: exec sp_configure 'user instances enabled', 1.

Or you should create a BAT file:

@ECHO =================================
@ECHO ::: Enabling User Instances
@ECHO =================================
sqlcmd -S .\SQLExpress -Q "sp_configure 'user instances enabled' , 1;"
@ECHO =================================
@ECHO =================================
sqlcmd -S .\SQLExpress -Q "reconfigure;"
@ECHO =================================
@ECHO =================================

More information:
The User Instance functionality creates a new SQL Server instance on the fly during connect. This works only on a local SQL Server instance and only when connecting using windows authentication over local named pipes. The purpose is to be able to create a full rights SQL Server instance to a user with limited administrative rights on the computer. 

I see this post has already resolved the issue at hand. In my case, the problem is that every time the computer is restarted the setting is reset back to zero. I created a BAT file, which I'd like to share, to resolve this quickly until a new way to deal with this arises. 

Posted by Community Admin on 21-Jun-2012 00:00

This thread is closed