Module Installation Errors

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 20:30

Module Installation Errors

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Posted by Community Admin on 01-Sep-2010 00:00

I am getting the following exception from my module install code, what does it mean?

line 1:127: unexpected token: ["",<1>,line=1,col=127]
Original Query: DEFINE EXTENT extnt FOR Telerik.Sitefinity.Pages.Model.PageNode; SELECT * FROM extnt AS t1  WHERE t1.appName =  $1 AND =

Posted by Community Admin on 01-Sep-2010 00:00

FYI - Here is my module code.. I took it from the JobsModule example

using System;
using System.Linq;
using Telerik.Sitefinity.Services;
using Telerik.Sitefinity.Abstractions;
using Telerik.Sitefinity;
using Telerik.Sitefinity.Libraries.Model;
using Telerik.Web.UI;
using Telerik.Sitefinity.Model;
using Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.Pages.Configuration;
using Telerik.Sitefinity.Pages.Model;
using Telerik.Sitefinity.Configuration;
namespace UserTracking
    public class UserTrackingModule : ModuleBase
        public const string ModuleName = "UserTracking";
        //pre generated guid as the ID for this page in the database
        public static readonly Guid landingPageId = new Guid("B6F1EBE7-24F5-4103-8098-C57EC4804E79");
        public override Guid LandingPageId
                return UserTrackingModule.landingPageId;
        //pre generated guid as the sub page for this module in the database
        public static readonly Guid subPageId = new Guid("DB99FD93-BD14-4539-BA72-30F2FDDC31AE");
        public Guid SubPageId
                return UserTrackingModule.subPageId;
        public override Type[] Managers
                return null;
        public override void Install(SiteInitializer initializer)
            var moduleNode = initializer.PageManager.GetPageNode(SiteInitializer.ModulesNodeId);
            var pageManager = initializer.PageManager;
            var userTrackingNode = pageManager.GetPageNodes().Where(p => p.Id == LandingPageId).SingleOrDefault();
            if (userTrackingNode == null)
                userTrackingNode = initializer.CreatePageNode(LandingPageId, moduleNode);
                userTrackingNode.Name = "UserTracking";
                userTrackingNode.ShowInNavigation = true;
                userTrackingNode.Attributes["ModuleName"] = UserTrackingModule.ModuleName;
                userTrackingNode.Title = "UserTracking";
                userTrackingNode.UrlName = "UserTracking";
            var subPage = pageManager.GetPageNodes().Where(p => p.Id == SubPageId).SingleOrDefault();
            if (subPage == null)
                var pageInfo = new PageElement()
                    PageId = SubPageId,
                    Name = "UserTrackingConfiguration",
                    MenuName = "UserTrackingConfiguration",
                    UrlName = "UserTrackingConfiguration",
                    Description = "User Tracking Configuration",
                    ShowInNavigation = false,
                    TemplateName = SiteInitializer.BackendTemplateName
                pageInfo.Parameters["ModuleName"] = UserTrackingModule.ModuleName;
                var control = new UserTrackingConfiguration();
                var node = initializer.CreatePageFromConfiguration(pageInfo, userTrackingNode, control);

The error occurs on this line:
var userTrackingNode = pageManager.GetPageNodes().Where(p => p.Id == LandingPageId).SingleOrDefault();

Posted by Community Admin on 01-Sep-2010 00:00

ok, I figured this one out.... in this line of code....

var userTrackingNode = pageManager.GetPageNodes().Where(p => p.Id == LandingPageId).SingleOrDefault();

I had used LandingPageID - the property, and not landingPageID, the variable.
Simple mistake, took all day to find it though.

Posted by Community Admin on 26-May-2011 00:00

Why would that matter?  Isn't it the same guid, regardless of whether you get to it thru a property or an instance variable?

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