Css for new Sitefinity Admin controls

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 09:27

Css for new Sitefinity Admin controls

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 17-Dec-2010 00:00


Just started following the jobs sample and now have my own custom module.  My next question is with the old version you were able to go into the generic content templates and copy the css so you got the same look and feel for your custom controls as sitefinity.  How do you go about doing this with Sitefinity 4 beta.....


Posted by Community Admin on 17-Dec-2010 00:00

Hi Chris,

You need to create a custom definition for the module you have with the fields you are going to have. The styles will be loaded by the ModuleBase class.

sample code.

    /// <summary>
    /// This is a static class used to initialize the properties for all ContentView control views
    /// of supplied by default for the CustomModule.
    /// </summary>
        #region Backend CustomModuleDefinition
            // Ensure CustomModule module is initialized.
        /// <summary>
        /// Defines the ContentView control for CustomModule on the backend
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent configuration element.</param>
        /// <returns>A configured instance of <see cref="ContentViewControlElement"/>.</returns>
        internalstaticContentViewControlElement DefineCustomModuleBackendContentView(ConfigElement parent)
            // define content view control
            var backendContentView = newContentViewControlElement(parent)
                ControlDefinitionName = BackendDefinitionName,
                ContentType = typeof(MyContentItem)
            // *** define views ***
            #region CustomModule backend list view
            // this is our list view where we are going to use RadGrid control
            var CustomModuleGridView = newMasterGridViewElement(backendContentView.ViewsConfig)
                ViewName = CustomModuleCustomModuleDefinition.BackendListViewName,
                ViewType = typeof(MasterGridView),
                AllowPaging = true,
                DisplayMode = FieldDisplayMode.Read,
                ItemsPerPage = 50,
                ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModuleResources).Name,
                SearchFields = "Title",
                SortExpression = "Title ASC",
                Title = "CustomModuleTitle",
                WebServiceBaseUrl = "~/Sitefinity/Services/Content/CustomModuleItemService.svc/"
            #region Toolbar definition
            WidgetBarSectionElement masterViewToolbarSection = newWidgetBarSectionElement(CustomModuleGridView.ToolbarConfig.Sections);
            var createCustomModuleWidget = newCommandWidgetElement(masterViewToolbarSection.Items)
                Name = "CreateCustomModuleWidget",
                ButtonType = CommandButtonType.Create,
                CommandName = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.CreateCommandName,
                Text = "CreateItem",
                ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModuleResources).Name,
                CssClass = "sfMainAction",
                WidgetType = typeof(CommandWidget),
                PermissionSet = SecurityConstants.Sets.General.SetName,
                ActionName = SecurityConstants.Sets.General.Create
           // do the same for delete
           // masterViewToolbarSection.Items.Add(deleteCustomModuleWidget);
            var translationsContextBarSection = newLocalizationWidgetBarSectionElement(CustomModuleGridView.ContextBarConfig.Sections)
                WrapperTagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Div,
                CssClass = "sfContextWidgetWrp",
                MinLanguagesCountTreshold = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.LanguageItemsPerRow
                Name = "ShowMoreTranslations",
                CommandName = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.ShowMoreTranslationsCommandName,
                ButtonType = CommandButtonType.SimpleLinkButton,
                Text = "ShowAllTranslations",
                ResourceClassId = typeof(LocalizationResources).Name,
                WidgetType = typeof(CommandWidget),
                IsSeparator = false,
                CssClass = "sfShowHideLangVersions",
                WrapperTagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Div
                Name = "HideMoreTranslations",
                CommandName = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.HideMoreTranslationsCommandName,
                ButtonType = CommandButtonType.SimpleLinkButton,
                Text = "ShowBasicTranslationsOnly",
                ResourceClassId = typeof(LocalizationResources).Name,
                WidgetType = typeof(CommandWidget),
                IsSeparator = false,
                CssClass = "sfDisplayNone sfShowHideLangVersions",
                WrapperTagKey = HtmlTextWriterTag.Div
            #region Grid View Mode
            var gridMode = newGridViewModeElement(CustomModuleGridView.ViewModesConfig)
                Name = "Grid"
            DataColumnElement titleColumn = newDataColumnElement(gridMode.ColumnsConfig)
                // this will bind the title automatically
                Name = "Title",
                HeaderText = Res.Get<Labels>().Title,
                ClientTemplate = @"<a sys:href='javascript:void(0);' sys:class="" 'sf_binderCommand_edit sfItemTitle sf' + UIStatus.toLowerCase()"">
                    <span class='sfStatusLocation'>LifecycleStatus.Message</span></a>"
            CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.FillActionMenuItems(actionsColumn.MenuItems, actionsColumn, typeof(CustomModule).Name);
            DataColumnElement authorColumn = newDataColumnElement(gridMode.ColumnsConfig)
                Name = "Author",
                HeaderText = Res.Get<Labels>().Author,
                ClientTemplate = "<span>Author</span>",
                HeaderCssClass = "sfRegular",
                ItemCssClass = "sfRegular"
            DataColumnElement dateColumn = newDataColumnElement(gridMode.ColumnsConfig)
                ///.format('dd MMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss')
                Name = "Date",
                HeaderText = Res.Get<Labels>().Date,
                ClientTemplate = "<span> (DateCreated) ? DateCreated.sitefinityLocaleFormat('dd MMM, yyyy hh:mm:ss'): '-' </span>",
                HeaderCssClass = "sfDate",
                ItemCssClass = "sfDate"
            #region DecisionScreens definition
            DecisionScreenElement dsElement = newDecisionScreenElement(CustomModuleGridView.DecisionScreensConfig)
                Name = "NoItemsExistScreen",
                DecisionType = DecisionType.NoItemsExist,
                MessageType = MessageType.Neutral,
                Displayed = false,
                Title = "WhatDoYouWantToDoNow",
                MessageText = "NoContentItems",
                ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name
            CommandWidgetElement actionCreateNew = newCommandWidgetElement(dsElement.Actions)
                Name = "Create",
                ButtonType = CommandButtonType.Create,
                CommandName = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.CreateCommandName,
                Text = "CreateItem",
                ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name,
                CssClass = "sfCreateItem",
                PermissionSet = SecurityConstants.Sets.General.SetName,
                ActionName = SecurityConstants.Sets.General.Create
            #region Dialogs definition
            var parameters = string.Concat(
            DialogElement createDialogElement = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.CreateDialogElement(
            parameters = string.Concat(
            DialogElement editDialogElement = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.CreateDialogElement(
            parameters = string.Concat(
            DialogElement previewDialogElement = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.CreateDialogElement(
            stringpermissionsParams = string.Concat(
                "?moduleName=", CustomModuleDefinition.ModuleName,
                "&typeName=", typeof(MyContentItem).AssemblyQualifiedName,
                "&title=", Res.Get<CustomModule>().PermissionsForCustomModule);
            DialogElement permissionsDialogElement = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.CreateDialogElement(
            stringversioningParams = string.Concat(
                "&moduleName=", CustomModuleDefinition.ModuleName,
                "&typeName=", typeof(MyCustomItem).AssemblyQualifiedName,
                "&title=", Res.Get<CustomModule>().PermissionsForCustomModule,
                "&backLabelText=", Res.Get<CustomModule>().BackToItems,
                "&"+ CustomModuleDefinition.ComparisonViewHistoryScreenQueryParameter + "="+ CustomModuleDefinition.VersionCompariosonView);
            DialogElement versioningDialogElement = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.CreateDialogElement(
            stringversioningGridParams = string.Concat(
            "&moduleName=", CustomModuleDefinition.ModuleName,
            "&typeName=", typeof(MyCustomItem).AssemblyQualifiedName,
            "&title=", Res.Get<CustomModule>().PermissionsForCustomModule,
            "&backLabelText=", Res.Get<CustomModule>().BackToItems,
            "&"+ CustomModuleDefinition.ComparisonViewHistoryScreenQueryParameter + "="+ CustomModuleDefinition.VersionCompariosonView);
            DialogElement versioningGridDialogElement = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.CreateDialogElement(
            parameters = string.Concat(
            DialogElement previewVersionDialogElement = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.CreateDialogElement(
            #region Links definition
            var url = RouteHelper.ResolveUrl(
                UrlResolveOptions.Rooted | UrlResolveOptions.RemoveTrailingSlash);
            LinkElement viewComments = newLinkElement(CustomModuleGridView.LinksConfig)
                Name = "viewComments",
                CommandName = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.CommentsCommandName,
                NavigateUrl = url
            url = RouteHelper.ResolveUrl(
                UrlResolveOptions.Rooted | UrlResolveOptions.RemoveTrailingSlash);
            url += "/CustomModule";
            LinkElement viewSettings = newLinkElement(CustomModuleGridView.LinksConfig)
                Name = "viewSettings",
                CommandName = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.SettingsCommandName,
                NavigateUrl = url
            #region CustomModule backend details view
            var CustomModuleEditDetailView = newDetailFormViewElement(backendContentView.ViewsConfig)
                Title = "EditItem",
                ViewName = CustomModuleDefinition.BackendEditViewName,
                ViewType = typeof(DetailFormView),
                ShowSections = true,
                DisplayMode = FieldDisplayMode.Write,
                ShowTopToolbar = false,
                ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name,
                WebServiceBaseUrl = "~/Sitefinity/Services/Content/CustomModuleItemService.svc/",
                IsToRenderTranslationView = true
            #region Versioning Comparioson Screen
            var versionComparisonView = newComparisonViewElement(backendContentView.ViewsConfig)
                Title = "VersionComparison",
                ViewName = CustomModuleDefinition.VersionCompariosonView,
                ViewType = typeof(VersionComparisonView),
                DisplayMode = FieldDisplayMode.Read,
                ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name,
            versionComparisonView.Fields.Add(newComparisonFieldElement(versionComparisonView.Fields) FieldName = "Title", Title = "lTitle", ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name );
            versionComparisonView.Fields.Add(newComparisonFieldElement(versionComparisonView.Fields) FieldName = "Content", Title = "lContent", ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name );
            versionComparisonView.Fields.Add(newComparisonFieldElement(versionComparisonView.Fields) FieldName = "Author", Title = "Author", ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name );
            versionComparisonView.Fields.Add(newComparisonFieldElement(versionComparisonView.Fields) FieldName = "SourceName", Title = "SourceName", ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name );
            var CustomModuleDetailView = newDetailFormViewElement(backendContentView.ViewsConfig)
                Title = "CreateNewItem",
                ViewName = CustomModuleDefinition.BackendInsertViewName,
                ViewType = typeof(DetailFormView),
                ShowSections = true,
                DisplayMode = FieldDisplayMode.Write,
                ShowTopToolbar = false,
                ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name,
                WebServiceBaseUrl = "~/Sitefinity/Services/Content/CustomModuleItemService.svc/",
                IsToRenderTranslationView = false
            var previewLocalization = newDictionary<string, string>()
                 "ItemVersionOfClientTemplate", Res.Get<VersionResources>().ItemVersionOfClientTemplate ,
                 "PreviouslyPublished", Res.Get<VersionResources>().PreviouslyPublishedBrackets ,
                 "CannotDeleteLastPublishedVersion", Res.Get<VersionResources>().CannotDeleteLastPublishedVersion
            var previewExternalScripts = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.GetExtenalClientScripts(
                "Telerik.Sitefinity.Versioning.Web.UI.Scripts.VersionHistoryExtender.js, Telerik.Sitefinity",
            var CustomModuleHistoryPreviewDetailView = newDetailFormViewElement(backendContentView.ViewsConfig)
                Title = "EditItem",
                ViewName = CustomModuleDefinition.BackendVersionPreviewViewName,
                ViewType = typeof(DetailFormView),
                ShowSections = true,
                DisplayMode = FieldDisplayMode.Read,
                ShowTopToolbar = false,
                ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name,
                ExternalClientScripts = previewExternalScripts,
                 WebServiceBaseUrl = "~/Sitefinity/Services/Content/CustomModuleItemService.svc/",
                ShowNavigation = true,
                Localization = previewLocalization
            var CustomModulePreviewDetailView = newDetailFormViewElement(backendContentView.ViewsConfig)
                Title = "EditItem",
                ViewName = CustomModuleDefinition.BackendPreviewViewName,
                ViewType = typeof(DetailFormView),
                ShowSections = true,
                DisplayMode = FieldDisplayMode.Read,
                ShowTopToolbar = false,
                ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name,
                ExternalClientScripts = previewExternalScripts,
                ShowNavigation = true,
                WebServiceBaseUrl = "~/Sitefinity/Services/Content/CustomModuleItemService.svc/"
            #region CustomModule backend forms definition
            #region Insert Form
            CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.CreateBackendFormToolbar(CustomModuleInsertDetailView, typeof(CustomModule).Name, true);
            #region Edit Form
            CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.CreateBackendFormToolbar(CustomModuleEditDetailView, typeof(CustomModule).Name, false);
            #region Preview History Form
            CreateBackendSections(CustomModuleHistoryPreviewDetailView, FieldDisplayMode.Read);
            CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.CreateHistoryPreviewToolbar(CustomModuleHistoryPreviewDetailView, typeof(CustomModule).Name);
            #region Preview Form
            CreateBackendSections(CustomModulePreviewDetailView, FieldDisplayMode.Read);
            //TODO: add the preview screen toolbar widgets -->Edit,etc...
        #region Frontend CustomModuleDefinition
        /// <summary>
        /// Defines the ContentView control for CustomModule on the frontend
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent configuration element.</param>
        /// <returns>A configured instance of <see cref="ContentViewControlElement"/>.</returns>
        internalstaticContentViewControlElement DefineCustomModuleFrontendContentView(ConfigElement parent)
            // define content view control
            var controlDefinition = newContentViewControlElement(parent)
                ControlDefinitionName = CustomModuleDefinition.FrontendDefinitionName,
                ContentType = typeof(MyCustomItem)
            // *** define views ***
            #region CustomModule backend list view
            var CustomModuleListView = newContentViewMasterElement(controlDefinition.ViewsConfig)
                ViewName = CustomModuleDefinition.FrontendListViewName,
                ViewType = typeof(MasterListView),
                AllowPaging = true,
                DisplayMode = FieldDisplayMode.Read,
                ItemsPerPage = 20,
                ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name,
                FilterExpression = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.PublishedOrScheduledFilterExpression,
                SortExpression = "PublicationDate DESC"
            #region CustomModule backend details view
            var CustomModuleDetailsView = newContentViewDetailElement(controlDefinition.ViewsConfig)
                ViewName = CustomModuleDefinition.FrontendDetailViewName,
                ViewType = typeof(DetailsSimpleView),
                ShowSections = false,
                DisplayMode = FieldDisplayMode.Read,
                ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name
        #region Helper methods
        privatestaticvoidCreateBackendSections(DetailFormViewElement detailView)
            CreateBackendSections(detailView, FieldDisplayMode.Write);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the backend sections.
        /// </summary>
        privatestaticvoidCreateBackendSections(DetailFormViewElement detailView, FieldDisplayMode displayMode)
            #region Version Section
            if(displayMode == FieldDisplayMode.Read)
                var versionSection = newContentViewSectionElement(detailView.Sections)
                    Name = "Sidebar",
                    CssClass = "sfItemReadOnlyInfo"
                var versionField = newVersionNoteControlDefinitionElement(versionSection.Fields)
                    Title = Res.Get<CustomModule>().lTitle,
                    ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name,
                    FieldName = "Comment",
                    WrapperTag = HtmlTextWriterTag.Li,
                    DisplayMode = displayMode
            #region Toolbar section
            if(detailView.ViewName == CustomModuleDefinition.BackendEditViewName)
                var toolbarSection = newContentViewSectionElement(detailView.Sections)
                    Name = CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.ToolbarSectionName
                var languageListFieldElement = newLanguageListFieldElement(toolbarSection.Fields)
                    ID = "languageListField",
                    FieldType = typeof(LanguageListField),
                    ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModule).Name,
                    Title = Res.Get<CustomModule>().Language,
                    DisplayMode = displayMode,
                    FieldName = "languageListField",
                    DataFieldName = "AvailableLanguages"
            #region Main section
            var mainSection = newContentViewSectionElement(detailView.Sections)
                Name = "MainSection",
            var titleField = newTextFieldDefinitionElement(mainSection.Fields)
                ID = "titleFieldControl",
                DataFieldName = "Title",
                DisplayMode = displayMode,
                Title = Res.Get<CustomModuleResources>().lTitle,
                CssClass = "sfTitleField",
                ResourceClassId = typeof(CustomModuleResources).Name,
                WrapperTag = HtmlTextWriterTag.Li,
            #region Status
            CustomModuleDefinitionHelper.AddStatusFieldSectionDefinition(detailView, typeof(CustomModuleResources).Name, displayMode);
        #region Constants
           // define all public or static constraints here

each definition element can have a css class that you can set by making a reference to Telerik.Sitefinity.Resources.Themes.Default.CSS.Layout.css The CssClass is a property of the base FieldDefinitionElement that represents a configuration element within a configuration file for each field definition.

Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

Check out Telerik Trainer, the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.

Posted by Community Admin on 17-Dec-2010 00:00

Erk and I thought it was going to be a simple case of just adding some css to what i've just wrote! :)

Think i'm going to get what i have working first then convert it as im also doing a intrasite module convert & vb.net -> c# port at the same time!

Thanks for the fast response!

Posted by Community Admin on 17-Dec-2010 00:00

Ok just got the basics all working in my test control so wanted to look at doing this.  Bit confused where this goes does this go in my PublicControls/AuctionsOver?

You don't have a sample jobs app or something else that shows a full working model?


Posted by Community Admin on 17-Dec-2010 00:00

Hello Chris,

We are working on a sample module with public controls that will be available for downloading within two weeks. The module will have public controls and it will be similar to the Products module that we have for 3.x edition.

Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

Check out Telerik Trainer, the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.

Posted by Community Admin on 17-Dec-2010 00:00

Ok thanks think i'll plod on just getting the code working then it's effectively to restyle it, just trying to workout the equivlant of CreateHostViewCommand("ViewName", itemId.ToString(), Nothing).


Posted by Community Admin on 05-Jan-2011 00:00

Can anyone give me a sample of this? I simply cant design admin forms based on my modules (document libraries fields). And also, I want to have a same look n feel all through admin section for both predefined modules and as well as custom modules.

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Jan-2011 00:00


As you can see from the code above, each widget element has a CssClass  property where we set a class name that we get from an embedded resource. Each widget element uses its own css, so could you tell me which control appearance you want to mimic?

All the best,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

Check out Telerik Trainer, the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Jan-2011 00:00

I have fields like Name(string), DateofBirth(DateTime) and uploaded content  defined in my document library.
I just wanted to have list of items (like Documents & Files). And add new or each item editable giving me popup (like Add New Page).

Posted by Community Admin on 07-Jan-2011 00:00


Posted by Community Admin on 11-Jan-2011 00:00


You can use ItemsGrid bound with a web service which will give you similar appearance.

<sfLists:ItemsGrid ID="flatTaxa" runat="server"
        WrapperTagCssClass="rgTopOffset sfLetterMarked"
        DefaultSortExpression="Title ASC"
        DeleteMultipleConfirmationMessage="<%$Resources:Labels, ItemsAreAboutToBeDeleted %>"
        DeleteSingleConfirmationMessage="<%$Resources:Labels, AreYouSureYouWantToDeleteItem %>">
            <sitefinity:CommandToolboxItem runat="server" ContainerId="toolbar" CommandName="create" CommandType="CreateButton" WrapperTagName="li" WrapperTagCssClass="sfMainAction" />
            <sitefinity:CommandToolboxItem runat="server" ContainerId="toolbar" CommandName="groupDelete" Text="<%$Resources:Labels, Delete %>" WrapperTagName="li" />
            <sitefinity:CommandToolboxItem runat="server" ContainerId="toolbar" CommandName="bulkEdit" Text="<%$Resources:Labels, TagsBulkEdit %>" WrapperTagName="li" />
            <sfDialog:LinkDefinition CommandName="viewItems" />
            <sfDialog:DialogDefinition OpenOnCommandName="create" Name="UserData" CssClass="sfMaximizedWindow" />
            <sfLists:ItemDescription HeaderText="<%$ Resources:Labels, Date %>" Name="Date " IsSearchField="false" ItemCssClass="sfTitleCol" HeaderCssClass="sfTitleCol">
                <a href="#" class="sf_binderCommand_edit sfItemTitle">

Another option is using a definitions as I showed you in another post.  We will have a sample with a custom module for the official release, so you will be able to see how this could be done in details.

Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

Check out Telerik Trainer, the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.

Posted by Community Admin on 12-Jan-2011 00:00

Sweet now that makes it even easier is this in RC2 mind you doesnt matter if not as final will be out soon!

Posted by Community Admin on 16-Jan-2011 00:00

Can anyone please provide a small example of how to use this class mentioned by Ivan? And where does configuration file of fields definition resides?

Posted by Community Admin on 18-Jan-2011 00:00

Can anybody over here tell me how and where to use this big class? I just need to have a little push that how does it work!

I really cant any way to have my module have top panel, sidebar etc as like other default modules.

Posted by Community Admin on 20-Jan-2011 00:00


Please download the Product samples module and backend and fronthend themes that we have in our SDK.

Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

Check out Telerik Trainer, the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.

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