Open News items in a RadWindow popup
I am trying to make the news module display a RadWindow popup when the user clicks on a specific item.
For now, I haven't find anyway how to use the RadWindow on the page.
I tried opening a RadWindow from javascript and it worked fine with window.radopen, but the window shows up with no "close" sign!
then I tried to drag a RadWindow on my page, but I had no idea how to open it from Javascript. for instance I changed its ID and then called radopen with that ID, but it seems to open just a new window that doesn't reflect the properties I specified in the RadWindow.
Thank you.
How to open a RadWindow with radopen with the "Close" behaviour
How are you doing it...usercontrol with a RadWindow, or just dragging the widget onto the page?
So I assume you defined the behaviors? If you can get at the .show function that means you can also get at the set_behaviors client event (should be able to anyway) LINK ...there should be no problem assuming you can get a clientside $find reference to the object.
Personally I don't like using the built-in widgets, they're just the normal controls, almost useless without some code behind...not sure why most are there without custom designers.
Hi Martani,
radopen function returns a reference to the RadWindow object, so it can be additionally configured using the various RadWindow methods. For example:
dialog = radopen(url, dialogName);