I need running Jobs intermediate Module project

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 14:26

I need running Jobs intermediate Module project

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Posted by Community Admin on 14-Feb-2011 00:00


If I am not mistaken, the sample project in the welcome screen is using JOBS module, not the JOBS INTERMEDIATE module. Below is how got to this opinion:

I was wondering how JOBS INTER project was working and my custom module was not. So I decided to debug Jobs Inter project...

The sample solution contains both JOBS and JOBS-INTER projects, which made be suspicious on the "job application upload control" I was seeing on sample project's running website. I decided to unload JOBS project and run the application. Apparently, it did not work...

Then, I decided to unload JOBS-INTER projects, to find out if it was used in the sample website at all or not... Aside from removing the reference from the website, it worked perfectly....

For a long time, I tried to get my custom module up and running, and everytime I fail, I compared it with jobs inter. I compared each file one-by-one.

So guys, I really need a solution which contains two projects: one jobs inter module project and a website project... Viewing/debugging it will be MOST helpful in understanding the problems in my own custom module...


Posted by Community Admin on 18-Feb-2011 00:00

Hello Cii,

Yes we understand that having a module that allows you to browse its source and debug it is the most helpful way We haven't encountered any issues with running and debugging the Jobs-Intermediate module on our side. Are you being able to make a break point in the Initilize method part of the JobsModule class?

Further it will be very helpful if you share your problems with the Custom module development so that we can address them better and assist you with any roadblocks you hit.

Thank you for contacting us, and please excuse us for the inconvenience.

Kind regards,
Hristo Borisov
the Telerik team

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