How do I toggle EnableHtmlIndentation for an external view of the sf:HtmlField editor?
Hello Steve,
You should map the template for CotentBlock control which contains the declaration of HtmlField control that wraps RadEditor control. Then add a C# script with Page_Load method. In the page load method you should set the value to HtmlField.Editor.EnableHtmlIndentation.
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team
Why isn't that enabled by default?
I can't see a case in which anyone in their right mind would want to look at a blob of html text?
Hi Steve,
The default value of EnableHtmlIndentation is true and it is initially set by the RadEditor control. The HtmlField does not set ( change ) the default setting.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Hey Ivan...in all of my installs, t don't have any htmlindenting in any radgrid
Hello Steve,
We are planning to provide editor configurations screen in settings which will let you apply all sorts of configurations.
Kind regards,
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team