Kendo UI Grid Integration With Widget Designers

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 06:17

Kendo UI Grid Integration With Widget Designers

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Posted by Community Admin on 24-May-2015 00:00

I'm super familiar with using kendo ui with angular, but your designers doesn't seem to work with the kendo grid directives at all. Here's a sample that doesn't work:


<div kendo-grid
     k-on-change="selected = data"></div>


and here's the angular module, designerview-mygrid.js :

(function ($)
    //var designerModule = angular.module('designer', ['kendo.directives']);
    var designerModule = angular.module('designer');
    //This is basic controller for the "ManageItems" designer view.
    designerModule.controller('MyGridCtrl', ['$scope', 'propertyService', function ($scope, propertyService)
        $ = true;
        $scope.gridData = new[
           artist: "Pink Floyd", track: "The dark side of the Moon" ,
           artist: "The Beatles", track: "I've just seen a face" ,
           artist: "Queen", track: "Innuendo"
        $scope.gridColumns = [
           field: "artist", title: "Artist" ,
           field: "track", title: "Track"
        //Makes call to the controlPropertyService to get the properties for the widgets.
            .then(function (data)
                if (data)
                    $ = propertyService.toAssociativeArray(data.Items);
            function (data)
                $ = true;
                if (data)
                    $ = data.Detail;
            .finally(function ()
                $ = false;

Posted by Community Admin on 30-May-2015 00:00

Basically you'll need to push the kendo.directives into the module: 

var customModule = angular.module("customModule", ["kendo.directives"]);




var designerModule = angular.module('designer');

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