Brand text in MVC Navigation Widget

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Aug-2018 19:53

Brand text in MVC Navigation Widget

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 30-Jul-2015 00:00

When I add an MVC Navigation Widget to my Sitefinity Bootstrap template, the text "Brand" appears at the beginning of my Navigation bar and I cannot figure out how to get rid of it.

I usually develop my Bootstrap applications in pure ASP.NET MVC, so I am not sure how to use the MVC Navigation Widget in Sitefinity to modify it to get rid of this Brand text prefix.

Please help!


Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2015 00:00

Hi Samir,

You can amend the Template as per your needs by editing it (screenshot) or creating a new one.

The Bootstrap template could be found under:
~/ResourcePackages/Bootstrap?MVC/Views/Navigation/<your template>.cshtml

I hope this information helps.

Svetoslav Manchev

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