MVC Form not using ResourcePackage templates
I have built an MVC Form using Sitefinity's form builder and placed it on a page based on a Feather Resource Package (copied from the Bootstrap package). Problem is, the form elements do not seem to be using the field templates from the resource package but it looks like they are just using the default embedded templates. All other items on the page (content blocks) are using the resource package's templates. How do you get it to use the templates from my resource package for the form fields?
Ok, very odd. For whatever reason, today the site is pulling for the resource package templates. I didn't change anything. The only thing I can think of is that is started working after a app pool restart. I did notice something else odd though. To make sure that it was using the resource package templates I made a small change to one of the field templates, saved it, and it was reflected on the site immediately. Then I removed that change and the field did not change back. I had to restart the app pool (made a change to the web.config) to get it to reload the template again. Is there some type of weird caching going on here? Can this be controlled, at least in a dev/test environment?
Depending on your version of Sitefinity an the Feather module the problem you are observing may be caused by view precompilation. The feature was introduced with Feather 1.4.410.0. To check the version of your Feather module refer to the following KB article:
If you want you can disable the precompilation of views by following the steps in the following KB article:
Velizar Bishurov