List Module - Classification
Hi Team,
I am looking to adding the classification widget to the List Module so that list items can be classified like the News items or blog posts. I know that I can create custom metafields and manually add categories (comma sep) and tags (comma sep) but I was wondering if I can use the classification widget.
Hello George ,
You can add a custom filed of type Classification where the field name is Category. This will add Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.Fields.HierarchicalTaxonField control in edit and new modes. Then you can set ContentType of Category or Tags widget (TaxonomyControl) to Telerik.Sitefinity.Lists.Model.ListItem
Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
I added a custom field of type Classification called Category, but I can't get my selections to save. Not sure what I could be missing... can you provide an example please?
EDIT: User error... was not hitting the Done button after selecting categories.