Allowing reordering of custom module items
I have created a custom module and would like to enable the reordering of the module content items through the backend grid view (in the same manner that List Items can be modified).
From what I can tell, I need to create an ordinal field in the database table for my content item. Then I need to add a drag & drop reordering column to my MasterGridViewElement.
How do I do this?
Check out App_Data/Sitefinity/Configurations/toolboxes.config
I think you should be able to reorder them in the file and the changes will appear in the frontend.
Thank you for the reply Mark.
I am not trying to reorder the modules, but rather the content items that my custom module manages.
Hi Antoine,
I presume you want to reorder the items( text fields, image upload, details, categories and tags). This is done in the Definitions file of your module. I will use Products module(available with Sitefinity SDK) as an example.
In ProductsDefinitions.cs you will notice you have #region Main section,#region Categories and Tags and etc. Under the definition of the section elements are added from top to bottom. This is how they appear in the backend of the module.
var titleField =
// Title of Product Item
var dropDownTaxonomyField =
// the color selector
var contentField =
// the body where you enter product information
Actually, that is not what I meant. I will attempt to be more clear.
I have created a Contacts modules. I would like to control the sort order of the contacts on the front end using the drag and drop functionality that is available in the Pages manager as well as the List module.
I have attached a screenshot of the sorting mechanism in the List Items module as an example of what I want to implement in my module.
Thank you for your response.
There is not response to this post?
This is a feature that I think a lot of developer would like to do instead of adding a manual order for the final user.
Hi Francisco,
Sorting can be changed in the frontend widget of the module. Edit the widget advanced properties Home > ControlDefinition > Views > ProductsFrontendList and change SortExpression. Or in the code of the module in MasterListView
CultureInfo uiCulture =
uiCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture;
//the filter is adpated to the implementation of ILifecycleDataItemGeneric, so the culture is taken in advance when filtering published items.
.FilterExpression = ContentHelper.AdaptMultilingualFilterExpression(
var filterExpression = DefinitionsHelper.GetFilterExpression(
query = Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.DataProviderBase.SetExpressions(
"Title ASC"
I would also like to express my interest for a Sitefinity example that implements ordering the Sitefinity way.
Until this exists, I have decided to create the Ordinal field as a Float on my content items.
var ordinalField =
ID =
DataFieldName =
DisplayMode = displayMode,
Title =
CssClass =
ResourceClassId =
WrapperTag = HtmlTextWriterTag.Li
ordinalField.ValidatorConfig =
Required =
MessageCssClass =
RequiredViolationMessage = Res.Get<PromotionsResources>().OrdinalCannotBeEmpty
I would still love to see this feature available to the custom modules.
It is present in the pages module and we need a simplified version of it to prioritise records. eg: in the case of a contact list, drag and drop people so the most important person is at the top of the list. At present we just use a numeric field that is manually edited to achieve the desired output on the front-end but for back-end administration it is far from desirable to drag and drop contacts in order.
If we can drag and drop order for the pages why can we not turn it on elsewhere?
The ordering on page level is available since there is a property called Ordinal for the PageNodes. This property is used to track a page's location in the tree view and it is recalculated each time a page is moved from its location. Additionally as page list actually uses Tree view to display the pages, the dynamic modules use Grid for which there is no drag & drop ordering functionality. We have a PITS issue opened for this feature request so you can follow its progress and vote to increase its popularity.
You can set a sorting expression for the view from Administration->Settings->Advanced->DynamicModules->Controls->your module->Views->YourModuleBackendList using the Sort Expression field.
Pavel Benov
Where is the PITS issue? Same problem in SF that requested feature in 2011 is still not there in 2014
You can find this feature request available on the following url:
Please cast your vote up to increase its popularity and subscribe for automatic notifications.
Pavel Benov
Edit: Apologies, I forgot to switch to the List settings view and select "Sort as set manually"
Was this feature ever implemented?
And to be clear: Are we talking about creating the custom module then on a page you drag and drop the generated widget onto the page and on then you click Edit > Content > Select _content type_, then you select a bunch of your custom items in the 'Select _content type_' dialog and finally in the 'Selected' tab of the same dialog you can drag items into the order that you desire?
If it is, then the functionality seems to be there, but Sitefinity doesn't seem to adhere to the order you specify...
The designer/backend editing view seems to keep the order you specified between page edits, but the front end view doesn't.