Product Module Reviews
I am developing a site with a custom products module based on the SDK samples. Our site needs to integrate with BazaarVoice for product ratings and reviews. BazaarVoice provides an XML feed of the products with average ratings. I would like to update the product items with the ratings data from the XML feed.
/// <summary>
/// A sample pipe that will transfer xml data to persistent store or outbound pipe.
/// </summary>
public class BazaarVoiceRatingsInboundPipe : IPipe, IPushPipe, IPullPipe, IInboundPipe
/// <summary>
/// Updates product content items with values from the publishing pipeline
/// </summary>
public class ProductUpdateOutboundPipe : IPipe, IOutboundPipe, IPushPipe
I am using Sitefinity 4.2 hotfix 1
Are there any samples or Sitefinity base classes that update existing content items with data from a publishing pipe?