Search Indexing For Videos

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 13:18

Search Indexing For Videos

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Posted by Community Admin on 13-Oct-2011 00:00


I'm trying to add a search index for video content and am running into a wall. I though that perhaps videos would be indexed with the builtin contentitems but that does not seem to be the case.

I tried the quick and dirty method from this blog post but when I add the line to register the template pipe and attempt to create a new index I'm receiving the following error:

'Could not find the specified key "VideosSearchInboundPipe" or class id "PublishingMessages"'

My inbound pipe is just a skeleton class at this point in an attempt to get this started:

class VideosSearchInboundPipe : ContentInboundPipe
    public static readonly string PipeName = "VideosSearchInboundPipe";
    public static PipeSettings DefaultPipeInboundSettings
            SitefinityContentPipeSettings ps = (SitefinityContentPipeSettings)PublishingSystemFactory.GetPipeSettings(ContentInboundPipe.PipeName);
            ps.ContentTypeName = typeof(Video).FullName;
            ps.MaxItems = 0;
            ps.UIName = "VideosSearchInboundPipe";
            ps.PipeName = "VideosSearchInboundPipe";
            //ps.ResourceClassId = typeof(CCG.ContentTypes.Experts.ExpertsResources).Name;
            return ps;
    public static PipeSettings DefaultPipeOutboundSettings
            var pipeSettings = PublishingSystemFactory.GetPipeSettings(VideosSearchInboundPipe.PipeName);
            return pipeSettings;

And here is the code I'm using to register the pipe:
PublishingSystemFactory.RegisterPipeSettings(VideosSearchInboundPipe.PipeName, VideosSearchInboundPipe.DefaultPipeInboundSettings);
//PublishingSystemFactory.RegisterPipeMappings(VideoSearchInboundPipe.PipeName, true, VideoSearchInboundPipe.DefaultPipeMappings);
//PublishingSystemFactory.RegisterPipeDefinitions(VideoSearchInboundPipe.PipeName, VideoSearchInboundPipe.DefaultPipeDefinitions);
PublishingSystemFactory.RegisterPipe(VideosSearchInboundPipe.PipeName, typeof(VideosSearchInboundPipe));
PublishingSystemFactory.RegisterTemplatePipe("SearchItemTemplate", VideosSearchInboundPipe.DefaultPipeOutboundSettings, ps => ps.PipeName == VideosSearchInboundPipe.PipeName);

And help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Posted by Community Admin on 17-Oct-2011 00:00

Hi Michael,

Registering the new pipe will work when you create new indexes. For example, create a Global.asax file and put the bellow code (that is if you are not adding the code to the Initialize event of a custom module):

protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Bootstrapper.Initialized += new EventHandler<Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.ExecutedEventArgs>(Bootstrapper_Initialized);
void Bootstrapper_Initialized(object sender, Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.ExecutedEventArgs e)
    if (e.CommandName == "Bootstrapped")
        var pipeSettings = (SitefinityContentPipeSettings)PublishingSystemFactory.GetPipeSettings(ContentInboundPipe.PipeName);
        pipeSettings.ContentTypeName = typeof(Video).FullName;
        pipeSettings.MaxItems = 0;
        PublishingSystemFactory.RegisterTemplatePipe("SearchItemTemplate", pipeSettings);

After the website is restarted and you go in to create a new index you will see the result as in the attached image.

Best wishes,
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team
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