Product Example module

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 17:25

Product Example module

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Posted by Community Admin on 24-Oct-2011 00:00

We are looking at the products module to use as an example to refactor for a couple custom content types we are making.

When we go into the admin of Sitefinity and go under the Design -> Widget Templates -> Create a Template, we see 2 new entries for "List of products items" and "Single product item". When we add our html and click the "Create this template" button, there are no errors and we are redirect to the page that lists out all the widget templates with no new template. If I try one of the built in content types, it will create the template in the list with no problem.

Are we missing something in the setting, code or database?

Posted by Community Admin on 27-Oct-2011 00:00

Hi John,

You are right the newly created templates are not shown, they are shown only when selecting template in Product Item widget placed on a page in edit mode. This is a bug with Widget templates module that will be fixed in upcoming releases.

Kind regards,
Stanislav Velikov
the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 02-Nov-2011 00:00

Thanks for the response Stanislav, I have a few more problems I could use some help with. 

1) When I place the control on the front end page and go to the control designer, I go to select a single item and it shows a list of News Articles. Where do I go to change this so it will load in my custom type (in this instance Case Studies)?

2) For another refactoring of the products module, we have a slideshow module. When I place the control on the front end page and select a custom widget template, it says "Error parsing the template". I tried removing all html from the template, having just basic html, and copying the html from an existing news widget template, none of these options worked. Where can I find the problem that is causing this error?

3) When testing the workflow of the refactored project, I create 2 users, 1 user "test1" is part of the editor role. The other user "test2" is part of the editor and author roles. When I edit/create a new case study or slideshow with "test1" user, I use the "test2" user to try and approve and publish. When "test2" user goes to do the approval, they seem to get stuck in an infinite redirect loading of the page. If i use the administrator account, he can go in and publish with no problem. What could be causing this infinite redirect loop?

Posted by Community Admin on 07-Nov-2011 00:00

Hello John,

1) By default the settings for the designer are in ProductsDesigner.cs

var singleItemSettings = new SingleItemSettingsDesignerView();
            singleItemSettings.DesignedDetailViewType = typeof(ProductDetailsView).FullName;
Products module reuses the designer for news widget. By default ProductsModule doesn`t have Single Item settings designer page. This page should be added with a template, code file and the accompanying javascript file providing designer functionality.

2)The template .aspx requires specific controls to be placed on it to render it. The required controls are defined in the template code file(or the base class, ViewBase). For example FrontendProductsDetailsView.ascx is called from ProductsDetailsView.cs inheriting from ViewBase will require to wrap the controls in RadListView and have at least the basic Registered assemblies. Also there is <sf:ContentView to present comments textboxes definded in ProductsDetailsView.cs.

3) The loop might occur in the code. I suggest to debug the workflow and see where in the code the loop occur. For best reference make sure you have workflow of the ModuleItem as implemented in ProductsModuleSample.

Stanislav Velikov
the Telerik team
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