Module Builder Templates

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 05:40

Module Builder Templates

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 01-Jan-2012 00:00

1) How do I enable comments on my Single Item template
2) Enabling the Social Sharing checkbox doesn't seem to do anything, what's the stub to add into the template (why isn't it generated into there by default if that's the issue?)
3) Single item should auto-gen the hyperlink back to all items

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Jan-2012 00:00

Hi Steve,

Thank you for bringing up these topics.

About your first question - we don't support comments for the custom content types. It is planned to be implemented in the first half of 2012. At the moment we are planning what is going to be developed beyond 5.0 and we definitely will consider this feature.

Social Sharing is also not implemented. It is scheduled for the next releases and we are aware of this issue. As a matter of fact we got many features that are partially implemented but couldn't make for the release because we didn't have time. What we've done is just hide them from the UI. But the social sharing checkbox is a tricky one because if we hide it it will disappear from all widgets and we decided just to leave it there. Sorry for any inconvenience this is causing. It is our bad that we didn't add this in the known issues list.

In first place we removed "All items" link for a number of reasons. You can read more in this article. However the hyperlink is present in the other templates but it is commented. For the custom content types the hyperlink is not available at all. You can add it following these steps:

1. Open the "Full custom item content" template 
2. Add 

<%@ Register TagPrefix="sf" Namespace="Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.ContentUI" Assembly="Telerik.Sitefinity" %>
3. Add 
<div class="sfeventLinksWrp"><br>
     <sf:MasterViewHyperLink class="" Text="Back to all items" runat="server" /><br>

4. Save changes

Note that the text for the MasterViewHyperLink is not necessary to be pulled from a resource, as it is done in the other templates, because there is not yet multilingual support for custom content types. 

Stoimen Stoimenov
the Telerik team
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