Sitefinity Backend themes
Is it possible to apply theme to the sitefinity backend pages and login.
Thanks & Regards
Ravi Maurya
Hello Ravi,
You can change the backend theme. Take a look at this forum thread for further information. The default backend theme, which can be used as a model for your custom theme, can be found in the SDK.
Kind regards,
Jen Peleva
the Telerik team
Thanks for the reply.
@Jen, the thread link is broken....
The way I have done it, is to download the backend theme that comes with the Education free-starter-kit and then modify it to my liking. then you just register it in the Administration->Advanced->Appearance. Then you go to the Administration->Backend Pages -> Templates and in edit mode for the default template you click on Themes and from the drop-down box you choose your theme which you registered through the Settings. And that's it, works ok. Only, as Sitefinity moves on, the theme will not and you will get many issues over time. After each upgrade use it with FireBug and make sure that with new versions of Sitefinity there are no issues like "cannot find resources and so on.
I can probably find the answer, but I'm curious if we can put themes on per user. Say a user has a 'high contrast' necessity, while another likes the 'light theme'.