Tag list by Content Type
I've created another provider for Events content type.
So, when I go to Events content, I can create a new item for default provider or my custom provider.
That's fine.
Now, I want filter tags list to show only tags for event items of my custom provider.
I've configured tag list widget. I've set Content Type property : "Telerik.Sitefinity.Events.Model.Event", and set Provider property with my custom provider name, but tag list shows all events tags, not only my custom provider.
Is it possible filter by custom provider?
Thank you for using our services.
In order to display taxonomies from the second site into the first you would have to add a few parameters to the taxonomies provider. Please take a look at this blog post, which describes how this is done. The use-case scenario that is covered in it is almost identical to the one you have, so I believe you will find it useful.
If any questions arise, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Grace Hallwachs
the Telerik team