Registering Routes for Custom Modules without using Sitefini

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 18:43

Registering Routes for Custom Modules without using Sitefinity Provided Widgets

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Posted by Community Admin on 15-Mar-2012 00:00

I have created my own widgets to pull data from custom modules and display them in controls based on the route data or query strings.

The problem I am having is that while your provided widgets seem to register the routes automatically for /type/details  /type/page/1, etc; I am trying to figure out how to register the routes myself.

I have tried some of the suggestions from the forum: 

I have gotten this to work except that I noticed while sitefinity picks the correct page, my custom handler doesn't properly address things like pre-processing generic content images and URLs.

The easiest thing for me would be to allow me to set the various routes myself.  I can drop my own control into /page  and have the global.asax.cs file register /page/route/subroute to push info to /page 

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