Passing current language to Custom Widget

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 19:44

Passing current language to Custom Widget

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 08-Apr-2012 00:00


I have a multi lingual site, and I have a custom widget (which is a simple table), but I need to keep the widget multi lingual, so depending on which language of the page you are looking at, the widget language changes.
Right now I am passing the language manually using a literal (so in widget properties there is a language field), but I would rather have the current language passed automatically to the widget.
Is that possible?

Posted by Community Admin on 10-Apr-2012 00:00

I have a RadDatePicker control within my custom widget, and that is picking up the language automatically, which means the page is passing the language implicitly to the rad control, so this should be easily doable. Awaiting your response.

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