editing controls

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 11:16

editing controls

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Posted by Community Admin on 07-May-2012 00:00

Hello again,

I have done a page with my own controls and default ones, the problem is that I need to add two navigation tools and one newsleter, when I drag and drop controls, the customization is not enought for me, so I tried to do them by myself. I downloaded radControls manual and AJAX tool but It seems too dificult for my objectives. I don´t understand what adventages has programing with rad controls instead of asp .net default controls (textboxes, sqlconnections etc.)

I only wanted to edit the code to change the visualization of defaults tools, so I found this to edit the css. I did what it said but nothing happends, it seems it doesn't find my class.

If someone know how to solve my problem please tell me. My problems are:
1- I want to change the visualization of navigations controls.
2- I want to program dinamic newsleter (or maybe also the menu bar) so I need to know the procedure that sitefinity follows to update data, for example: how it changes the menu when you insert a page. I thought it was done by radControls but maybe I´m wrong.

Thanks a lot for your help, you are helping me a lot as I'm so newbie.

Posted by Community Admin on 07-May-2012 00:00

1) That article you linked to should work fine.  Use firefox\firebug to determine why it might not be picking up the style.  Perhaps the css isnt coming down, typo, not sure hard to say w/out looking at your page :)
2) The nav control is a RadMenu bound to a Sitemap control, so when you create a new page in the backend it should automatically showup in the menu (assuming the "Show in Navigation" checkbox is checked when you created the page).  Can you elaborate a bit more on this question though, I'm not sure what you're asking?

The benefit to using the RadControls is they extend the "standard" asp controls and let them do WAY more things, WAY easier DEMOs :)  Browse the demos and look at the code...not hard at all to use, and they all have a pretty rich clientside set of functions (so you dont have to reply on postbacks all the time).

Posted by Community Admin on 07-May-2012 00:00

I used firefox and saw that my style wasn't picked but I don't know why. But today I will study and practice with radControls and tomorrow or next tomorrow I will explain better my doubts.

Thanks very much for your help, you answer very quick, I´m grateful for your attention.

Posted by Community Admin on 07-May-2012 00:00

In Firebug on the "Net" tab do you see your stylesheet coming down?  Then if you click the plus sign on it and view the Reponse, do you see your new "Skin" css in it?

If you do, I'd then go over to the markup and make sure the classes on the markup are correct for the CSS.

LASTLY...sometimes the RadControl styles are pretty heavy so try putting !important after some of the styles like this

.RadTabStrip_University li
    border-bottom: 1px solid #e3e3e3 !important;

Posted by Community Admin on 08-May-2012 00:00

Yes I see it on .net tab, It loads the css, because I use the same stylesheet for the template and is's right. The problem is that I cannot understand why if i write: ".RadTabStrip_control li ..." I have to write "control" in the properties cssWarper of the widget instead of ".RadTabStrip_control". I would like to know if there is a place where I can find what to write on css to change the visualitation of all defaults controls, because in the documentation I found only the one for the navigation toolbar. Futhermore, when I write a cssWarper and then I see the html I don't see my class name, only telerik clases. I'm goin to show you:

<div id="Menu_T3508EE93008">
<div id="ctl00_Menu_T3508EE93008_ctl00_ctl00_siteMapControl_horizontaldropdownmenu" class="RadMenu RadMenu_rdMenu" style="z-index: 7000;">
<ul class="rmRootGroup rmHorizontal">
<li class="rmItem rmFirst rmLast">
<a class="rmLink rmRootLink rmFocused rmSelected" href="home">
<span class="rmText">Home</span>
<input id="ctl00_Menu_T3508EE93008_ctl00_ctl00_siteMapControl_horizontaldropdownmenu_ClientState" type="hidden" name="ctl00_Menu_T3508EE93008_ctl00_ctl00_siteMapControl_horizontaldropdownmenu_ClientState" autocomplete="off">

I have done this writing in cssWarper textbox exactily the same as I had in my stylesheet, and the result was that the class was only shown in "li class='control'" (that was first than I found this way of speeling in css) It was for that reason that I want to make my own radControls, maybe in that way I know what I'm doing and where my files are.

Posted by Community Admin on 08-May-2012 00:00

Can you paste in your CSS as well?

From the markup your css items should be ".RadMenu_rdMenu" not "RadMenu_control" (not sure if you just changed it for the description or not)

Posted by Community Admin on 08-May-2012 00:00

Yes, the name of the class is rdMenu, maybe with !important all is solved, I'm testing because I found how to do it with breadcrumb, maybe I solve navigation bar too. :D! Tell you later.

Posted by Community Admin on 10-May-2012 00:00

I have solve my problems by adding !important tag, But it takes me a lot, because Sitefinity doesn't refresh properly and I have to lok for any single tag I had to chage.

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