MultiView Custom Widget and Virtual URL

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 21:06

MultiView Custom Widget and Virtual URL

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Posted by Community Admin on 25-May-2012 00:00

Hi Team,
I'm working on a MultiView Custom Widget and I'll like to change URL depending on selected view, so web user will have the sensation of being redirected to a new page, but its just a virtual path implementation.  At same time, I'll like to be able to display information depending on URL submitted by web user.  So, if my default view on widget displays information such as a list of addresses (Address Book Widget) and web user clicks over a row, then my widget view will change to display selected Address Book Detail information and URL will change to \Address-Book-Detail\123 where 123 denotes the Address Book ID. Then, I could copy/paste the URL into a new web browser section and page will render the Address Book Detail information as well.

Have you some sample code how can I achieve this goal or any link you could point me for it? I don't want to reinvent the wheel and be sure I'm follow same sitefinity development pattern.  I saw this technique broadly used on Ecommerce Widgets.  I don't want to create separate widget for each view 'cause I'll end up with a very complex configuration.


Posted by Community Admin on 30-May-2012 00:00

It looks like we need to implement your own SitefinityRoute handler module to have friendly URLs in place.  

I found this post and we are now working on it:

Thanks for all your help!

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