Backend URL to edit custom module item?

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 22:06

Backend URL to edit custom module item?

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Posted by Community Admin on 04-Jun-2012 00:00

I have a custom module defined using the Module Builder. It has a menu item under Content. Subpage is my custom module. Right now the URL to the content list is /Sitefinity/Content/subpage. This shows a list of Subpage items. Clicking any of the links will allow me to edit a particular Subpage. But all of the Subpage items have the same URL. But I would like to have a dedicated URL to edit each Subpage.

Is there anyway to do this?

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Jun-2012 00:00

It is important that I get an answer to this. So I'll try to clarify my question.

I have a home page  named "Home". I can edit it with the URL "/home/Action/Edit".

But I can't find a similar mechanism for content. For example each content block defined in my backend has the same edit URL of "localhost:60876/.../Content blocks

I am hoping to find a URL specific to each content block. In my case the content is a custom module, but the principle is the same.

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Jun-2012 00:00


There's isn't a way to access the content blocks the way you're asking.

What are you trying to accomplish? I'll try to help you find a way to do it...

Posted by Community Admin on 02-Aug-2012 00:00

I'm not sure this is exactly the same thing that the original poster was asking, but say I have a custom module that I built using module builder.  On the content menu, I can view my items and select one to edit.  But is there any way to navigate directly to the edit screen for an item? 

My exact scenario is  as follows:   I have a module built using module builder.  For my module, I am using the stock list and edit screens from Sitefinity.   I have written a function to clone a given custom content item.  (The user will be logged into the back end when doing this.)   At the end of cloning the item, I want to navigate to the edit screen to display and edit the item.

Is this possible in any way? 

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