Invalid PathDefinition.

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 15:21

Invalid PathDefinition.

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Posted by Community Admin on 03-Jul-2012 00:00

Does anyone know what this error means? I am attempting to use some of the built in controls from Sitefinity in a custom field, and every time I try to use it I am getting this. I suspect it has something to do with VirtualPaths (The virtual paths for my module / DLL are set up correctly in the admin interface though).

Just a note: I am getting this by creating a new module project, and creating a Sitefinity Field Control to it. No other changes, just the default stuff you get from right clicking, going to Add Item, and selecting the Sitefinity Field Control item, and then attempting to use that for a new Custom Field on some existing content type like a Blog Post. 

Posted by Community Admin on 06-Jul-2012 00:00

So for anyone else who runs into this oh-so-fun error, it turned out to be my Virtual Path definition. My module was responsible for adding this virtual path definition, and it was specifying the ResourceLocation via reflection, calling the Assembly.Fullname property to get it. This returned something like "Assembly.Full.Name, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", which worked absolutely fine for one of my other modules, but for this one it broke the EmbeddedResourceResolver's ability to find the assembly...

I am not sure why this is the case for this one in particular, especially since this is retrieved via reflection, so it should be exactly what the assembly thinks of itself as, but changing it to be just the Assembly name ("Assembly.Full.Name") made it find everything ok again...

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