Images indese Sitefinity admin?

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 13:51

Images indese Sitefinity admin?

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Posted by Community Admin on 05-Jul-2012 00:00

I have some .aspx pages inside sitefinity admin to products updates and stuff like that. All work perfect except the images. I now just add a simple .asp <img> and not even that works. I cant see the images at SF administration. Its there some kind of permissions thing for images ??

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Jul-2012 00:00

It all depends on how you are referencing your images.  Are your images stored in Sitefinity Image Library?  Are you using virtual paths, relative paths, or absolute paths?

If your images are stored in Sitefinity, you can access them using the virtual path ("~/image.jpg"), otherwise you are going to need to use an absolute path (

The only way that I know of to get virtual pathing to work in SF without putting images into the Sitefinity library is to put all of your images into a folder called WebsiteTemplates under /App_Data/Sitefinity/

Hope this helps, I apologize if I misunderstood your question.

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Jul-2012 00:00

I have 2 SF sites, one in 3.7, where i just put the images relative to the solution... and im want to do exactly the some in my second site with SF 5, and its not working...
All the images r the solution and i can reach each one trough the SF admin in both sites, but in SF 5 nothing seems to work...

Posted by Community Admin on 05-Jul-2012 00:00

I am not 100% sure I understand your response, it sounds like you are putting the images in an folder directly under your Sitefinity sites directory structure.  I remember trying to do exactly this in SF 4.4 and not being able to get it to work.  The solution I found for static content such as this dealt with the following folder structure found here.  For you to get this to work, I think you will need to do what I suggested previously, (albiet badly).

1) Create a folder under App_Data/Sitefinity called WebsiteTemplates
2) Create your images folder under website templates (or however you want your directory to look like)
3) Add your images to this folder and then reference them in your sitefinity site.  You can do this using the "~" pathing or through relative pathing.

The reason this isn't working for you in SF 5.0 is that SF is managing all of this static content for you.  If it is not found in the website templates folder it isn't able to manage the static content like images.

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