Programatically updating admin menu and creating groups?

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 08:34

Programatically updating admin menu and creating groups?

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Posted by Community Admin on 17-Jul-2012 00:00

I've created a custom pluggable module and added it to the administration menu using the following code (straight from an example) but one thing I cant seem to find out is how to programmatically update the menu once the module is installed.

protected override void InstallPages(Telerik.Sitefinity.Abstractions.SiteInitializer initializer)
            var pageManager = initializer.PageManager;
            var backendPagesNode = pageManager.GetPageNode(SiteInitializer.SitefinityNodeId);
            var landingPage = pageManager.GetPageNodes().SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == this.LandingPageId);
            if (landingPage == null)
                var pageInfo = new PageDataElement()
                    PageId = this.LandingPageId,
                    IncludeScriptManager = true,
                    ShowInNavigation = true,
                    EnableViewState = false,
                    TemplateName = SiteInitializer.BackendTemplateName,
                    Name = "Contacts",
                    MenuName = "Contacts",
                    UrlName = "Contacts",
                    Description = "Contacts Module",
                    HtmlTitle = "Contacts Module"
                pageInfo.Parameters["ModuleName"] = "Contacts";
                var html = new Literal();
                html.Text = "<h1>Contacts</h1>";
                initializer.CreatePageFromConfiguration(pageInfo, backendPagesNode, html);

It would also be nice to create a navigation group specific to this and other modules I want to create so as to separate them in the menus? 
Is it a case that I have to remove the module and reinstall it every time or is there a programmatic way I can achieve these things?

Posted by Community Admin on 25-Jul-2012 00:00


 There is a way to edit the pages backend menu. Here is a code example how to do it:

SiteInitializer siteInitializer = new SiteInitializer("myEdit");
Guid landingPageId = new Guid("19BCC56D-B04C-409C-847B-458F6A21BDB9");
PageManager pageManager = PageManager.GetManager(null, "myEdit");
PageNode backendPagesNode = pageManager.GetPageNode(SiteInitializer.SitefinityNodeId);
PageDataElement pageInfo = new PageDataElement()
    PageId = landingPageId,
    IncludeScriptManager = true,
    ShowInNavigation = true,
    EnableViewState = false,
    TemplateName = SiteInitializer.BackendTemplateName,
    Name = "Contacts",
    MenuName = "Contacts",
    UrlName = "Contacts",
    Description = "Contacts Module",
    HtmlTitle = "Contacts Module"
pageInfo.Parameters["ModuleName"] = "Contacts";
var html = new Literal();
html.Text = "<h1>Contacts</h1>";
siteInitializer.CreatePageFromConfiguration(pageInfo, backendPagesNode, html);

Another way to edit this is on module upgrade like this:

public override void Upgrade(SiteInitializer initializer, Version upgradeFrom)
    if (upgradeFrom.Major == 10 && upgradeFrom.Minor < 2)
          //your code goes here

The best way to organize your pages is to create group and child pages. Here is an example how to do it on module install:

protected override void InstallPages(SiteInitializer initializer)
        .CreateModuleGroupPage(MyModule.ModulePageGroupId, "MyGroup")
            .AddChildPage(MyModule.HomePageId, "MyHomePage")

All the best,
Ivan Georgiev | Sitefin1ty
the Telerik team
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