Creation of master page in sitefinity

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 07:46

Creation of master page in sitefinity

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 20-Jul-2012 00:00

Please help me to create a master page in sitefinity. I'm very new to this cms and i cant create a master page in any of the folder's under sitefinity website. I'm using 5.1 version. I'm attaching a file to show you the folder structure of my website. Kindly please let me know how and in which folder i can create a master page.
Anyone please help me in this.

Posted by Community Admin on 20-Jul-2012 00:00


Please check the designer's guide from our documentation - it contains useful information when creating templates and themes:

All the best,
Victor Velev
the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 20-Jul-2012 00:00

Now I have created WebsiteTemplates\MyTemplate\App_Master inside sitefinity folder. And when I open the website in visual studio and trying to create master page inside App_Master folder (By right click the folder and select add new item there will not be any option to select master page. (Attached file showing that the window when I select Add New Item on App_Master folder). Then I tried to add a master page in the root folder. Then an error comes that "Unable to add................Access denied." What I have to do?

Please help me..

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