Custom module

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 05:59

Custom module

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Posted by Community Admin on 25-Jul-2012 00:00

I have created a custom module using the module builder. Now I can see it in widget list ( In the right side of the page edit mode). I could drag and drop the created custom module to my page and could select an already created content of that type.
But the problem is that I can't find a solution to edit the selected content of custom module at the same time when I'm creating a page (the same is applicable for a content block, image etc).
The next problem is that I cant create a content of the custom module which is dragged into the page when I'm in the page edit itself ( It is applicable for a content block, image etc).

What will I do for this?
Please anyone help me.. I'm a starter in sitefinity.  Its 5.1 version

Thanks in advance

Posted by Community Admin on 25-Jul-2012 00:00

Sitefinity content (including custom module content) is managed separately in Sitefinity. The Page only holds the widget to display the items.

To manage the items themselves, you should use the Content menu in the Sitefinity admin and select the content type you wish to manage (News, Events, etc), as shown here: Using the content modules. Any custom modules you create will also show up in this list.

There you will be shown all the items of that type and can create, edit, or delete them as needed. Any changes you make will be reflected on the public page through the content widget you placed there.

Hope this is helpful!

Posted by Community Admin on 26-Jul-2012 00:00

Hi SelAromDotNet,

Thank you very much for your reply.
I could create a
custom module by choosing Module Builder from Administration menu. After creating this I could see it in my content menu. I selected it and created contents for my custom module. There I can create new content of that custom module type, edit it n delete it. All these working fine for me.

The problem is not this. That I will explain below.
When I am trying to create a new page, I can drag and drop different widgets to the content place holder placed in that page. I can also drag and drop the custom control
from the widget set. If I am adding a content block in that page,In edit option of that widget, I can select an already created content of content block widget or can create a new content of that content block widget at that time(for that page).
The problem comes after this.. If I am adding my custom widget on that page, In the edit mode of that widget I can only select an already created content of that Custom content. I can't create a new content of that Custom widget at this time for that page like a control block widget.If I want to edit a content of my custom module type, I can't do it when I am adding it to a page. I have to go to contents menu and from that list selecting the custom content. Then I can see the list of contents created of that type and there I can do modifications.

I want to edit or change the custom module content as like we can do for the Content Block content. Any of the documents or webinars didnt helped me.. Hope you get my problem.. Please help me..

Posted by Community Admin on 27-Jul-2012 00:00

The process of entering content in a separate section is by design and is the way Sitefinity content works. Pages can be edited directly as this content is specific to that page only. This is why you are able to use the content blocks to enter content directly on the page.

Reusable Content Blocks are a special case, since you can create reusable content on the fly, that is ultimately used on the page, inside a content block widget so the interface is the same.

Content modules on the other hand (news, blogs, etc) are only exposed to the public website through a single page using the corresponding widget. once you place that widget on the page there is no need to go back into it to manage the content because the widget is already in place.

From that point forward to add new items you simply go to the content menu for that module and create a new item.

Again this is by design, but I will send your feedback to our developer team for consideration.

I hope this is helpful!

Posted by Community Admin on 30-Jul-2012 00:00

Hi SelAromDotNet,

                Thank you very much for your reply. Are you telling that I can't create a custom module (created from Administrator>>Module Builder ) which has the functionalities like a Content Block ? ( such as create and edit a content of type Content Block when a page is on edit mode ). Please clarify this to me..

If anyway I can achieve this requirement, Please help me for that..

Posted by Community Admin on 30-Jul-2012 00:00

You are correct, neither the module builder, nor any other content module other than Shared Content Blocks has this ability. I don't really know of any way to easily acheive this requirement as the front-end widgets are only designed to display the content, not input it.

I can share your feedback with the Sitefinity team for more input, but as of right now the only way I know to create or manage content items is in the Content menu of the Sitefinity Administration.

Posted by Community Admin on 31-Jul-2012 00:00

Hi SelArom,
Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I too was researching on the same, Getting a  WYSIWYG editor for a custom content over a page. I wanted to make this content private for a page and edit it, but don't thing its possible since custom module created content seems to be shared always. I would love to see this feature in the upcoming version of Sitefinity!
Another question I would like to ask may be an alternate solution. Can I rename 'ContentBlocks' to any custom name say xArticle?? so that I get wysiwyg editor for xArticle !

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