How to customize the template for forms notifications email?

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 13:05

How to customize the template for forms notifications email?

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Posted by Community Admin on 06-Aug-2012 00:00

I just began using the Forms Notification feature that was released with Sitefinity 5.1.
Is there any way we can create a custom email template for it? Or apply some custom styles to the default one?

Posted by Community Admin on 09-Aug-2012 00:00

Hi Nidhi,

Thank you for using our services.

To change the email template you have to replace the default one with a custom template (htm file) and set its database id to the notification config file. This can be done on an . aspx page. Simply create an htm page, which should be a copy of the default template and in the .aspx page run the following code, which will set your hmtl page, instead of the default one:

.apsx page

namespace SitefinityWebApp
    public partial class FormTemplate : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var formsConfig = Config.Get<FormsConfig>();
                var configManager = ConfigManager.GetManager();
                formsConfig = configManager.GetSection<FormsConfig>();
                var notificationService = SystemManager.GetNotificationService();
                var serviceContext = this.GetServiceContext();
                var messageTemplate = GetDefaultFormEntrySubmittedEmailTemplate();
                var templateId = notificationService.CreateMessageTemplate(serviceContext, messageTemplate);
                formsConfig.Notifications.FormEntrySubmittedNotificationTemplateId = templateId;
          ServiceContext GetServiceContext()
            return new ServiceContext("ThisApplicationKey", FormsModule.ModuleName);
        public MessageTemplateRequestProxy GetDefaultFormEntrySubmittedEmailTemplate()
            var messageTemplate = new MessageTemplateRequestProxy();
            messageTemplate.Subject = "New form entry is submitted";
            messageTemplate.BodyHtml = Telerik.Sitefinity.Pages.Model.ControlTemplateResolver.ResolveTemplate(
                "SitefinityWebApp.Form.htm", "SitefinityWebApp");
            return messageTemplate;
Notice how we user the ResolveTemplate method to "read" our custom htm file. For this purpose, the htm file should have a Build Action set to Embedded resource. This way, after you build the project, the ResolveTemplate method will look  in the SitefinityWebApp assembly for the template. I have attached both the aspx page and the htm page. It is really important to preserve the same html structure in the htm template, as the default one (the one I'm sending). Otherwise, you might break the layout of the email. As you can see, all styles are inline, so you can simply replace them with your custom styles. 

You should run the aspx page in the browser once and this will be enough to replace the template.

I really hope that you'll find this information useful! Regards,
Jen Peleva
the Telerik team
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