Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 02:11


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Posted by Community Admin on 16-Aug-2012 00:00

So, what's the word on running Sitefinity on ASP.NET 4.5? And, using ASP.NET Web API?

Posted by Community Admin on 17-Sep-2012 00:00

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 is out since September 12th. - I tried to take first steps at a brandnew Server-Hardware with OS Windows 2012 and CMS Sitefinity 5.1 SP2 (3450), but it does not work.

Visual studio needs .NEt 4.5 but Sitefinity - until now - requires .NET 4.0 ....

Is there any solution upcoming?

Posted by Community Admin on 19-Sep-2012 00:00


Although we have not yet tested on .NET 4.5 and do not officially support it, you can run a Sitefinity project on a machine that has .NET 4.5 with no problems. You can also use Visual Studio 2012. The only thing you should have in mind is that all projects should use target framework .NET 4.0, because the Sitefinity assemblies are built for 4.0.

Robert, what exactly did not work in your case? Any details?

Here is a Sitefinity project open in VS2012 on my machine, running with Cassini (not IIS express). Note the properties screen and target framework for the webapp.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 19-Sep-2012 00:00

Hi Robert,

I also was successful to run Sitefinity on IIS8 and VS2012.
I created a new project, maybe that is a difference?


Posted by Community Admin on 25-Sep-2012 00:00


sorry, but until now I had NO success.

Hardware is brand new, OS is Windows 2012 German, DB is MS SQL 2012 German, VS is Visual Studio 12 ....

@Slavo: If you send your personal email address I can send user/password back that you can go onto my new machine and solve my problem. Please help....

Regards, Robert

Posted by Community Admin on 09-Oct-2012 00:00

Has anyone tried changing the taget framework to 4.5 on the Sitefinity project?  It seems to work, but maybe I am missing something.  The issue for me is that I need to reference some other assemblies that are targeting 4.5, so I need my Sitefinity project to target 4.5 as well.

I would be interested to know if anyone has done this, or if Telerik knows of any specific problems in doing so.  My understanding is that once 4.5 is installed, since it is an in place upgrade, 4.0 becomes 4.5.  With that in mind, targeting 4.5 shouldn't provide any real differences since tagerting 4.0 is still running 4.5 if it is installed (just doesn't support the newer features).

Anyone have any thoughts?

Posted by Community Admin on 18-Oct-2012 00:00

Hi Christopher,

You're right about .NET .4.5. It is an extension to the 4.0 framework.

I've 2 websites running on 4.5 without problems, except for one: I noticed big performance issues when using the RadSocialButton control on a page.

I could switch to as a workaround.

Nevertheless the 4.5 seems okay to me.


Posted by Community Admin on 18-Oct-2012 00:00

Hey Christopher,

I've just played and tested v5.1.3450 internally against the .NET 4.5 Framework, but like Daniel haven't run into any issues. As a matter of fact, v4.5 and VisualStudio 2012's new extensions allow it  to run far better ( ) 


Posted by Community Admin on 28-Dec-2017 00:00

.Net is one of the most reliable app development platforms.  It offers all type of web and mobile app development companies. From its beginning, it has gone through many versions. The latest version of .net is 4.5 which offers many different features. Check out more on this blog:

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