SQL Query - list all pages with their URL

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 23:10

SQL Query - list all pages with their URL

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Posted by Community Admin on 22-Sep-2012 00:00

I am trying to get a list of all pages (pages that show in sitemap) with their complete URLs.  I would like to use a WakeUpScript (VBS file) to wake up these pages on a regular basis so that the site is a bit more responsive.The only way I found so far is to create a widget that will cycle through a SitefinitySiteMapDataSource, but this is not practical since I have to add the widget to a page, get the list, and then remove the page - I don't want this page to be on the site permanently.

So, I am looking for an SQL script to do this. 

Posted by Community Admin on 23-Sep-2012 00:00

Hey Oliver,

Using the pages.svc would be preferrable, but since you're asking for a SQL statement you can try something like this:

01./* return pages with parent_id */
02.SELECT url_name_, parent_id FROM sf_page_node
03.WHERE (root_id = 
04.   (
05.    SELECT id FROM sf_page_node
06.    WHERE (nme = 'FrontendSiteMap'))
07.   ) AND
08.   (show_in_navigation = 1) AND
09.   (render_as_link = 1) AND
10.   (node_type = 0) AND
11.   (approval_workflow_state_ = N'Published')

That would return the individual url_names of the pages and their parent_id's.
You need to traverse the parent_id's to properly build out the urls though...

For example something like this:
01./* return 1st+2nd level pages with parent url */
03.  _url_parent =
04.    CASE WHEN
05.    (sf_page_node_2.url_name_ = N'Pages')
06.    THEN '/'
07.    ELSE sf_page_node_2.url_name_ +'/'
08.    END,
09.  sf_page_node.url_name_ AS url_page
12.  sf_page_node LEFT OUTER JOIN
13.  sf_page_node AS sf_page_node_2
14.  ON
15.  sf_page_node.parent_id = sf_page_node_2.id
17.  (sf_page_node.root_id =
18.    (
19.      SELECT id
20.      FROM
21.        sf_page_node AS sf_page_node_1
22.      WHERE
23.        (nme = 'FrontendSiteMap')
24.     )
25.   ) AND
26.  (sf_page_node.show_in_navigation = 1) AND
27.  (sf_page_node.render_as_link = 1) AND
28.  (sf_page_node.node_type = 0) AND
29.  (sf_page_node.approval_workflow_state_ = N'Published')

In the attachment you'll see the output of those snippets....


Posted by Community Admin on 24-Sep-2012 00:00

Thanks a lot Jochem!
I was trying to figure out a bit the DB table structure to find out what part is what but I could not get a clear picture.Your script answers my question, and will also help me understand the DB structure, so I thank you...twice!


Posted by Community Admin on 27-Sep-2012 00:00

You could also create a page titled 'sitemap' (or similar) set it to not show in navigation, place the SitefinitySiteMapDataSource control on it, and then setup a keep alive service to call that page URL.

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