Publish/Unpublish Date Format
I am sorry if this is already out there but I can not find it in the Forums.
How do I change the format of the date for News/ Events/ etc. for the Scheduled Publish on .. and Scheduled Unpublish on ... dates that are displayed underneath the title in the backend grid? (to this format MMM, dd, yyy for indstance)
I can change the Last Modified date in the Advanced Settings but can not find how to change the other dates.
Thank you for anyone's input!
Hello Laura,
A resource label handles how the publish/unpublish message appears in the back end. You can manage it by going to Administration > Interface Labels and Messages. It's located under the "ApprovalWorkflowResources" type and "Scheduled" key but you can search for it by just typing "Scheduled publish on". Select it and you can modify the date format and even the message it displays entirely. You'll see it in this format:
Scheduled publish on content.PublicationDate:dd/MM/yy 'at' HH:mm[[[content.ExpirationDate], unpublish on content.ExpirationDate:dd/MM/yy 'at' HH:mm]]
Changes made to the label will persist throughout the back end and to any workflow instances that utilize it.
If you have any questions about this feel free to let me know!
Thank you! I don't know how I missed that item under Administration... we have recently upgraded our sites and I just missed it! Thanks.
No problem. Let me know if you need help with anything else!
Kind regards,