Is there a way to import categories and tags?
Is there a way to import categories and tags? We want to be able to categorize or tag items by local chapter names and that is a list of over 500 names. Is there a way to bulk add to the list of categories and tags in Sitefinity?
You can do it programmatically I think:
Thanks, I think I've figured out the syntax for adding to an existing category, except for synonyms. I haven't been able to figure out the correct syntax for including a synonym with the new item, is there an example of that somewhere? I haven't found it in the API documentation.
Find a sample of adding a taxon synonym to a tag below:
TaxonomyManager manager = TaxonomyManager.GetManager();
var taxa = manager.GetTaxa<FlatTaxon>().Where(t => t.Name ==
Guid newGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
var synonym = manager.CreateSynonym(newGuid);
synonym.Value =
synonym.Parent = taxa;