How to get HierarchicalTaxonField values to string for parsi

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 18:55

How to get HierarchicalTaxonField values to string for parsing

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Posted by Community Admin on 13-Dec-2012 00:00

I have a widget details template with a HierarchicalTaxonField in it displaying "categories" assigned to the content item. How can I get the output of this field into a string for parsing etc?

Posted by Community Admin on 13-Dec-2012 00:00

Here's the answer to my own question for anyone who ever wants to do this. I know there have been several inquiries but no good full solution. In this particular case, we're using an Event item. This code will get you the a comma delimited string of category names.

    Protected Sub singleItemContainer_ItemDataBound(sender As Object, e As Telerik.Web.UI.RadListViewItemEventArgs) Handles singleItemContainer.ItemDataBound
        Dim item As RadListViewDataItem = TryCast(e.Item, RadListViewDataItem) 'create from current item item
        Dim evt As Events.Model.Event = DirectCast(item.DataItem, Events.Model.Event) 'create an Event object from item
        Dim tm As New TaxonomyManager() 'taxa manager
        Dim keywords = New List(Of String)() 'where we'll store the list of categories
        Dim cats = DirectCast(evt.GetValue("Category"), Telerik.OpenAccess.TrackedList(Of System.Guid)) 'gets a list of category guids from current event
        If cats.Count > 0 Then
            For Each g As Guid In cats 'loops through to get cat names from Guids via taxa manager
                Dim ht As HierarchicalTaxon = DirectCast(tm.GetTaxon(g), HierarchicalTaxon)
                If ht IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not keywords.Contains(ht.Name.ToLowerInvariant()) Then
                    keywords.Add(ht.Name.ToLowerInvariant()) 'adds cat name to keywords list
                End If
        End If
        Dim catsList As String = String.Empty
        For Each cat As String In keywords 'parses keywords to build string of cat names
            catsList = catsList & cat & ","
End Sub

Posted by Community Admin on 17-Dec-2012 00:00

Hi Craig,

If I understand properly, you want to display all categories, which are assigned to the item, under the item. Here's how you can do this. Let's say you're displaying the items in a RadListView, as in our default toolbox widgets. On ItemDataBound you can get the dataItem and all categories, assigned to it and generate a link, which will be placed under the item. It will display the name of the categories and in the same time will be a filtering link - when you click on it it will filter all items by the corresponding category. Please take a look at the implementation of the RenderHierarchicalTaxaAsLink method.

void NewsList_ItemDataBound(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.RadListViewItemEventArgs e)
        case RadListViewItemType.DataItem:
        case RadListViewItemType.AlternatingItem:
            var listViewDataItem = (RadListViewDataItem)e.Item;
            var dataItem = (NewsItem)listViewDataItem.DataItem;
            if (dataItem != null)
                var placeholder = e.Item.FindControl("CategoriesLabel") as SitefinityLabel;
                placeholder.Text = RenderHierarchicalTaxaAsLink(dataItem, "Category");
public string RenderHierarchicalTaxaAsLink(NewsItem newsitem, string taxonomyFieldName)
    var catList = "";
    var categories = newsitem.GetValue<TrackedList<Guid>>(taxonomyFieldName);
    if (categories != null && categories.Count() > 0)
        catList = "Categories:</br> ";
        var currentUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString();
        currentUrl = currentUrl.TrimEnd('/');
        var taxManager = TaxonomyManager.GetManager();
        foreach (var cat in categories)
            var t = taxManager.GetTaxon<HierarchicalTaxon>(cat);
            var url = string.Format("0/-in-1/2/3",currentUrl, t.Taxonomy.TaxonName, t.Taxonomy.Name, t.Name);
            var link = string.Format( "<a href='0'>1</a><br/>", url, t.Name).ToString();
            catList = catList + link;
    return catList;

Jen Peleva
the Telerik team
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