Unable to attemt to create Search Index in Sitefinity 5.3.3900 standard Edition
Hi Teams:
I am getting error in a projct while creating the Search Index in Sitefinity 5.3.3900 standard trial Edition.
Steps that i have followed while creating search index
Administration - >Search and Indexes -> click on "Create a search index" -> i have entered index name in name field and sets the content types in scope and finally click on "Create this search index" button and getting the error which i have attach a file. Please check. so how can i create a search index. Please help me how to create the index and what is the issues.
Hi Saroj,
Thanks for using Sitefinity.
You need to set the default pages for the content items as well as the other. This is what the error message specifies. You can see in your image you have not set any of the default pages for any of the item types. Please review the error message, click "Change" and set the pages to these content types. This will allow you to create your search index.