Cannot Open and view PageTemplate
Could anyone please help me to solve this issue? I cannot go and open PageTemplates.
Error message: No row for Telerik.Sitefinity.Pages.Model.PageData('sf_page_data')
GenerikOID@52ea5498 PageData
Content_id=7b50a781-dc7b-434d-8d7e-5f370fbee5c5 NOTRES
Sitefinity version is 5.3
I looked at backend page(http://..../Sitefinity/Design/PageTemplate/Action/Edit) and a message is shown as below:
"An item with the same key has already been added. "
Please help me, Sitefinity team~!
Would it be possible to go to Data section of the Administration -> Settings -> Advanced menu. And set "Enable Data Caching" to false. After that restart the application and try again, please.
Thank you for the response. I already set "Enable DataCaching" to False and restarted app, but error message still shows. I have two templates and the massage shows twice.
Would it be possible to open a support ticket and in it, include a copy of the project files and backup of the database, please? We will investigate the problem locally.
Thank you in advance.
How can I send db and project files? db size is 1G and vs project size is 300mb
When you open a support ticket, we will provide a secure FTP for you to upload the files.
All the best,