Forms Permissions
In v 5.4 I can not figure out how to not give a user permission to modify a form or responses to the form.
I have tried two two ways: Setting modify Forms permission to the role in order to have the Forms page appear then setting Deny to Modify particular forms.
Also, I tried removing the permission to Modify Forms but unchecking the Filter box in Advanced Settings -->Pages ->Sitemap filter --> forms to get the Forms page to appear.
in both cases, the modify forms deny works in the sense that they can not add controls to the form, HOWEVER they can edit a form field and edit/delete responses for all forms.
I also further set DENY to Modify a particular form as well as deny to edit comments (And what are comments for a form anyway? )
How can you set it up so that a user can only view (and not edit) the responses of a particular form and / or can not Edit the form controls? or is this not really supported yet?
And (icing on the cake) set it so that they can not view the responses to other forms?