Unable to find Roles For CurrentUser????
I am trying to dynamically allow functionality of inserts/edits/deletes in a user control calender widget based on who is logged in, but I am unable to find the roles for the current user?
I am trying to allow certain groups certian functionality, but without finding the roles, this is useless...
var identity = ClaimsManager.GetCurrentIdentity();
RoleManager roleManager = RoleManager.GetManager();
EventsManager manager = EventsManager.GetManager();
//default radscheduler function
Calendar.AllowDelete = false;
Calendar.AllowEdit = false;
Calendar.AllowInsert = false;
if (identity.IsAuthenticated)
List<Role> roles = roleManager.GetRolesForUser(ClaimsManager.GetCurrentUserId()).ToList();
labeltext += " Found " + roles.Count().ToString() + " roles for " + ClaimsManager.GetCurrentUserId);
//labeltext = identity.Name + " is Authenticated as ID " + identity.UserId;
var isUserInRole = roleManager.IsUserInRole(identity.UserId, "Authors");
if (isUserInRole)
labeltext = labeltext + " + is in Authors";
Calendar.AllowInsert = true;
isUserInRole = roleManager.IsUserInRole(identity.UserId, "Editors");
if (isUserInRole)
labeltext = labeltext + " + is in Editors";
Calendar.AllowDelete = true;
Calendar.AllowEdit = true;
Calendar.AllowInsert = true;
isUserInRole = roleManager.IsUserInRole(identity.UserId, "Administrators");
if (isUserInRole)
labeltext = labeltext + " + is in Administrators";
Calendar.AllowDelete = true;
Calendar.AllowEdit = true;
Calendar.AllowInsert = true;
but if I log in for an admin account I will get the labeltext... as seen in the attached and below
Found 0 roles for dc1f1f74-64d1-4fa2-89ff-b0e0f71a00ba
I can login to the backed in and for this user_id i see roles for admin...and a test user I see three different roles... I can even log into the sql tables and run a query and find the roles... (see attached)
am I missing something? I tried following the documentation for this link...
Hi Dustin,
You are not able to find the roles for the current user, because you are searching them in the wrong role provider: RoleManager.GetManager() returns manager for the default role provider. However, the roles like Administrators, Authors, Editors, etc belongs to AppRoles provider (They are in the same table sf_roles but with different app_name). You can check the available role providers from Administration > Settings > Advanced > Security > Role Providers.
In order to get correct results, you have to get the role manager by specifying the AppRoles provider:
RoleManager roleManager = RoleManager.GetManager(
var user = ClaimsManager.GetCurrentIdentity();
var isAuthenticated = user.IsAuthenticated;
var isBackend = user.IsBackendUser;
var isUnrestricted = user.IsUnrestricted;
var isAuthor = user.Roles.Any(r => r.Name ==
&& r.Provider ==