Add To Basket

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 12:11

Add To Basket

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Posted by Community Admin on 24-May-2013 00:00

Hi all

We are currently trying to add some products to the ecommerce basket, but the item is never added. We are using the below code, but we think we are doing something wrong with the optionsDetails, but we cannot find any documentation of what that is. Can anyone help us out here :-)
Kind regards

Dim CatalogManager As New Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.Ecommerce.Catalog.CatalogManager
       Dim _ordersManager As OrdersManager = OrdersManager.GetManager
       Dim ProductId As Guid = New Guid("86f2f2a8-b6bf-6704-817c-ff0000a02c2d") 'a simpel id of one of the products
       Dim Product As Telerik.Sitefinity.Ecommerce.Catalog.Model.Product = CatalogManager.GetProduct(ProductId) ' Get the right product
       Product.Description = CurrentCase.Titel
       Dim _OptionsDetails As New Telerik.Sitefinity.Ecommerce.Catalog.Model.OptionsDetails
       Dim _httpcookie As HttpCookie = Request.Cookies.Get(GetShoopingCartId.ToString)
       'Check if shopping cart cookie exists in the current request.
       If _httpcookie Is Nothing Then ' The Shoppingcart cookie does NOT exists
           Dim cartItem As CartOrder = _ordersManager.CreateCartOrder() ' create a new cart order
           Dim shoppingcartid = cartItem.Id 'that id is equal to the cookie value
           Dim Cookie As HttpCookie = New HttpCookie(shoppingcartid.ToString) '  create a new shopping cart cookie
           Dim now As DateTime = DateTime.Now
           'Set the cookie value.
           Cookie.Value = shoppingcartid.ToString()
           Cookie.Expires = now.AddYears(1) 'Set the cookie expiration date.
           Response.Cookies.Add(Cookie) 'Add the cookie.
           cartItem.Currency = "DKK"  'give cart item currency of DKK because it cannot be null
           _ordersManager.AddToCart(cartItem, Product, _OptionsDetails, 1) ''add the product to the cart
           _ordersManager.SaveChanges() 'save all changes
       Else 'The Shoppingcart cookie does exists
           Dim shoppingcartid As Guid = GetShoopingCartId()
           Dim _Cookie As HttpCookie = New HttpCookie(shoppingcartid.ToString) '  create a new shopping cart cookie
           Dim _guid As Guid = New Guid(_Cookie.Value.ToString()) ' get the cookie value as the guid
           Dim cartItem As CartOrder = _ordersManager.GetCartOrder(_guid) ' get the cart based on the cookie value
           _ordersManager.AddToCart(cartItem, Product, _OptionsDetails, 1) ' add the item to the cart
           _ordersManager.SaveChanges() ' save changes
       End If

Posted by Community Admin on 24-May-2013 00:00

Hi All

We think that we got it. We were missing the CatalogManager.SaveChanges

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