Classic mode with Azure ACS + WIF
Hi. I have an mvc application that I want to move to Sitefinity. I'm wondering if it is possible to use Azure ACS + WIF for my mvc application in classic mode (side by side) with the existing authentication system for the back office of Sitefinity? Would it require to switch Sitefinity to forms authentication for the back office in order to have Azure ACS + WIF side by side in my mvc app? What would be the steps to accomplish this with Sitefinity? Thanks.
Hi Andrew,
I responded to you in your support ticket. Here's my answer from there:
Unfortunately the OAuth protocol is not supported in its cleanest form in Sitefinity and the ACS connection will not work out of the box. However, there is a chance that a custom implementation might do this. The first way for this to happen is to use the Sitefinity STS and to delegate through it the requests to ACS. The other way is to entirely skip the Sitefinity STS and call ACS directly, but in that case some of the Sitefinity handlers should be overriden and the login process should be customly implemented.
We are also working on an example that will show how to integrate Sitefinity with facebook login, so it might be helpful for you when it comes out.
Can you give an example or guide on how to entirely skip the Sitefinity STS and call ACS directly? I already set up ACS on a mvc controller in classic mode. How would Sitefinity STS be skipped when ACS ridirects to this controller?
Could I also just overwrite the Sitefinity Authentication Module? I tried using the federated authentication module instead of the custom SitefinityAuthenticationModule but was not able to due to system out of memory exception.
Hi Andrew,
In the feature there will be an integration with the most popular public authentication providers. Please see the feature request in PITS on the following URL. Under the feature request there is a solution from a client. However please note that this solution is not tested.
There is also a forum that might be useful in your case. Please review it.